Chapter 2

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It all started a month and a half ago; when the nightmares began. My parents called me downstairs when I was supposed to be doing my homework for school.
"Amber? Sweetheart, we need to talk to you," my mother said. I didn't know what to expect; she never called me sweetheart. I was scared, but I went anyways.

"Amber? Have you been doing okay?" My father asked suspiciously. I didn't know what to say but, "Of course Dad." He and my mom looked at each other with concern in their eyes.

"Amber. We've seen the cut on your arm." My mom said extremely serious. I was surprised by the tone in her voice, until I realized what she had said. "Oh, yeah that. Umm Mom... Dad... I have something to tell you." I whispered, scared to explain the cut.

I paused for what seemed like forever, but was really almost one minute. "Go on." They said at the same time. "Well... okay. I have these dreams... No. Nightmares. These... monsters are always chasing me in the dream. It started around half a month ago. The creature hurts me, and whenever it does, the scratches and cuts appear on my skin in real life." I slowly explained.

My parents tried to hide their shock and our-daughter-is-crazy look, which didn't work. "It's real." I said. Trying to make them believe. "I'm not lying!" I yelled. I didn't have their trust whatsoever.

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