Try something? - Chapter 2

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His soft lips brush against mine and we make out slowly. He is the only guy I've been with who has kissed me like he means it. 

And he isn't afraid to hold me. I hate it when guys barely touch you while kissing, it makes the kiss awkward. 

His hands like to wander around my body, from my hips to my ass, then he goes underneath my shirt and up my back. I keep my hands around his neck but bring myself closer to him as the kiss intensifies. I stand up on my tip toes and press myself against him. He presses against me and something's different... I can feel something.


 His dick has gone hard. Hard as a rock.

Did I give him a boner or...? Thinking of all this has made me slow my kissing technique and he stops and realises. 

"Oh...yeah, it just sort of, happens." He tells me holding my hands.

"Does it like, go away or what?" I ask, as my knowledge of the penis is not very advanced.

"It does if you...y'know."

I just look at him with a blank expression. Does he want me to...jerk him off? How do I even do it? I don't have a dick! I've no experience!

It doesn't help that we are in a public area and people walk under this bridge every 15 minutes. So we constantly have people watching us. Great. 

"Has anyone ever helped you like..." I begin, then he interrupts.

"My ex girlfriend did once, but that's it."

"Oh right." I reply, not knowing what to say. I just quickly put my arms around him and start kissing him again but he stops,

"If you want to, we can try something."

Try something? "Like what?" I ask.

Senan looks down at his dick and looks back up at me, "You could try and if you don't like it you can stop."

I say nothing and we start kissing again. His hands go straight to my ass and he squeezes me like his life depended on it. Hold your horses and slow down there! 

As our tongues join in, my hands go down to his chest and he takes one of my hands and places it on his crotch. I don't pull away.

He takes his other hand off my ass and takes his penis out. He stops kissing me for a moment and places my hand properly on his soft skin, instructing me to move my hand up and down.

I hesitate but nevertheless I try. It's actually a good size for a penis, definitely over six inches.

I try different techniques to see what he likes. When he's kissing I can feel his breathing getting faster. Still cautious of making sure no one can see us.

The kiss gets extremely hot and intense the faster I go, I can see he's struggling. His grasp of me weakens and his kissing gets slower.

After a while he stops and moves away from me so he can cum. 

I just gave my first hand job.

 What if he didn't like it, wait, he must have if he came right?

 My heart was beating out of my chest. What will my friends think? Most of them haven't even had their first kiss yet let alone this!

Perhaps that was a bad idea..or maybe I'm just overthinking.

"How was it?" I asked nervously. I really didn't want to disappoint him for some reason.

"I enjoyed it haha." He replies fixing his jeans.

I feel my cheeks burning up, I'm blushing. I look down so he won't see. 

"Are you sure you liked it? If you didn't you can just tell me." I say looking down at the ground.

He tilts my head up with his hand under my chin. 

"If I didn't like it would I do this?" 

He kisses me and it's a warm, delightful kiss that you can't help but smile after from. His hands start wandering again and his fingertips are dancing on my left thigh. It's that sort of stuff that makes me lose concentration on the kiss. 

His fingertips dance up and down my thigh until he goes further up and then he moves sideways towards my....'baby making area' lets say. 

He sets his fingers on that area (still with my jeans on) and presses them harder.

 For some reason this makes me a little uncomfortable and I stop kissing and move his hand.

"You ok?" He asks rubbing up and down my arms.

"Yeah I just um..." I lie, "I just need to check the time, I have to be home soon."

"Oh yeah! Me too actually." Senan says. "Oh it's four o clock I need to get home."

For some reason I'm slightly relieved. "Sure, see you later then!" I reply.

He gives me a quick hug and we both part ways. His kisses always leave me wanting more but today, my emotions are a bit mixed. 

Teagan what's wrong with you!!!!

I've never done something like that before and i just fee a bit strange afterwards. You see, Senan and I wouldn't be good in a relationship. He goes to a completely different school, we barely have any similar interests and we don't have much to talk about.

Friends with benefits seemed like a safe option but now I'm not sure. I always said to myself I wouldn't do anything intimate with anyone unless I really loved them. 

It was all in the moment I guess.

He definitely turns me on but I can't help but feel a pinch of regret for what I just did. I don't want to start gaining feelings for him because it wouldn't go anywhere. 

And I don't want him to start getting other ideas.

 Because I'm afraid I'd actually be tempted to say yes to all of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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