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"kageyama why can't we come to your house?" hinata asked

"because you can't so stop bothering me" kageyama replied.

kageyama's house is huge, if he invited anyway from karasuno they would get the idea that he was wealthy.

it's not that he couldn't trust the members of his team. he trusted them a lot it's just that some of them have a big mouth. it'll just slip out and it'll spread like wildfire that kageyama comes from a family that has a lot of money and power.

he didn't want that to happen.

"kageyama please" hinata and nishinoya begged.

"no" kageyama said, giving hinata a glare.

nishinoya had gotten the message and had stopped pushing it. hinata although silent, was planning something.

hinata was going to follow kageyama home.


that is the end of this chapter.

i've put myself on a schedule where i'll upload twice a week meaning two chapters a week at anytime between monday-sunday.

anyway pls tell me what you think!

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