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"suga-san what is your answer?"tanaka asked.

"yes we should ask kageyama." suga replied.

suga knew that both choices had consequences. of course if he didn't ask, that could've made situation escalate.

"but i will be the one to talk to him."

"but suga-san why?"

"because you idiots cannot handle something like that."

"not only that suga and kageyama are pretty close." daichi piped in.

everyone knew that daichi was right.

suga helped kageyama with his awkwardness and in turn him and kageyama became very close. it was truly a surprise to everyone.

suga understand kageyama very well and why he acts like he does and why he does what he does.

kageyama was different from other members. he was very anti-social and had trouble showing how he felt.

suga understood a lot about him but he didn't understand why he hid something so huge like being wealthy.

"kageyama can i ask you something after practice"

"yeah sure"

suga was going to ask kageyama why.

why he would hide something like that from the whole team.

suga knew that kageyama may have his reasons but if he couldn't trust them with something so little, was he hiding more things from them.

suga also understood that kageyama wasn't obligated to tell them anything.

"kageyama come here!"suga yelled out.

"okay one moment senpai." kageyama replied.

kageyama went over to suga waiting for suga to say something.

"why'd you hide it from us?" suga questioned.

"hide what?"

"that you came from a wealthy family."

"i didn't hide it, i never had a chance to bring it up."

"ohhh, well that makes sense."

"wait does anyone else know?"

"yeah the whole team knows"

"oh okay" kageyama said before turning away.

kageyama was freaking out. he didn't want anyone to know but somehow everyone on the team found out.

he couldn't show it. he didn't know if his actions would give him away. he didn't know what to do.

all he knew was that he needed to call oikawa.


ahh i finally finished this chapter!!

i know that this is an oikage fic so i need to add more oikage into it. 

i know most of it has no oikage expect the first chapter but i had a hard time fitting it into any of the chapters because i write 200 word chapters lol.

anyway this is my longest chapter!!!


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