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at first it was subtle, but slowly everyone's behavior towards kageyama had started to change.

it started with tsukishima and yamaguchi, tsukishima wasn't as harsh anymore. he stopped calling kageyama "king", he stopped with the daily insults. yamaguchi was alway jumpy around kageyama, nervous around him all the time.

then it was hinata and tanaka.

then it was the ennoshita and nishinoya

and eventually most of the third years.

it was a subtle change in behavior.

how they talked to him.

how they treated him.

how they acted around him.

kageyama hated being differently just because of how much money his parents had.

it wasn't his money.  it was his parents.

what was he able to do with the money his parents had.

wealth was nothing but a mere status.

but yet it was more then that.


i haven't been updating as consistently as usual and i have no excuse. it's my fault, i just haven't had the motivation, and my mental health is just not where it should be.

i will try to update as much as i can but i start school next monday and it'll be hard because of school.

anyway thank you for reading!!!

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