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even though his parents couldn't spend a lot of time with him, kageyama knew they cared.

his father had a company to run and his mother had a hospital to run.

kageyama missed them a lot.

his house used to be lively, it was bright and it felt like home, but now it feel like just any other house.

he missed it.

and he wasn't the only one who missed it. his parents missed it too. they had gotten much busier especially since he had entered junior high.

as time went on his parents continued to get busier and busier and now his parents are barely home, and if they are home,they're home when kageyama is at school.

his parents missed spending time with each other and tobio.

"we have to spend more time with tobio." sana, tobio's mom said

"and each other." tatsou, tobio's dad added.

"we need to spend more time together as a family."sana said "cancel all of your meetings tatsou."

"anything for you."

sana knew that not being able to spend time with your family tears them apart.

she knew that she and her husband needed to spend more time with their son.

their top priority has always been their son, but for some reason work has become their top priority and they both know it very well.

but for some reason work had become the top priority.

and it could tear their family part.


ah so this came out a couple hours late but i finished it.

i start school in a few weeks so i won't be able to post as regularly

thank you for reading my work even though it's inconsistent. i promise how the chapters our coming out actually make sense and aren't being put out in a random order.

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