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oikawa was worried when he had gotten the call from kageyama.

it seemed like kageyama was panicking.

he didn't know why but he needed to get to kageyama to make sure he was okay.

oikawa ran to kageyama's house without stopping. he needed to get there as soon as possible.


oikawa entered kageyama's house and searched for him.

it was a hassle. the house was so large that he didn't know where to go.

but oikawa knew kageyama well enough to know that kageyama was probably hiding in his room.

kageyama did that often when he tried to escape his problems. his room was his safe space, where he felt comfortable.

oikawa ran towards kageyama and hugged him tightly. 

to kageyama; oikawa's hugs were comforting, reassuring, warm, calming, and loving. he felt all his worries melt away in oikawa's arms.

"whats wrong?"

"you don't have to tell me right now"

"when you're ready you can tell me"

"the team found out"

"your teammates wouldn't use you or abandon you"

kageyama knew that but a small voice in his head continue saying what if.

what if they do?


so i finished this finally. im so glad i got it out. i was having major writers block and my motivation had just went down the drain but i got it out!!

i put a little oikage because this is an oikage fic. it needed some more of it.

anyway i hope you enjoy it!!!!

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