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"guys kageyama lives in a huge house!"hinata exclaimed.

"yeah right" tsukishima says and rolls his eyes.

"hinata it seems a bit unrealistic" yamaguchi says.

"you guys have to believe me, i saw it with my own two eyes!" hinata exclaims.

"unless you can prove it to us, i won't believe" tsukishima says.

"well then we can go after practice today." hinata declares.

everyone agreed to go. they all wanted to know if hinata had made the whole thing up or whether he was telling the truth.

practice started soon and ended very quickly as well.

everyone's stayed behind and let kageyama leave first just so they could follow him.

it may seem like a hard task but kageyama is oblivious to his surroundings as he walks home.

the team stayed about 20 feet behind him just to make sure he wouldn't notice them.

it was a long walk up a hill and there were several twists and turns.

and soon they were in the same neighborhood as hinata was in yesterday.

they all saw kageyama walk up to a large house and walk right in.

everyone was baffled.

kageyama didn't seem like someone who would come from a rich family. kageyama seemed like a normal guy who came from a middle class family.

"it makes no sense" tsukishima said.

it did make sense. kageyama did so well hiding his background and his family that no one ever questioned it.


i had trouble with this chapter because im going through this creative block.

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