Chapter 13

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    Today Billy and I were booked, and today we were going to be finding out what gender the baby is. I'm very excited, because I've been waiting forever to know the gender of the baby.

      We headed to the first place, which was a call for bats in the attic. Today we're booked with four jobs, until we take the rest of the day off for the baby doctor's appointment. Anyhow, we pulled up outside of the house and went up to the door and knocked.

"Hi, my name's Bonnie and that's Billy and we're from Vexcon. We got a call that said that you have a problem with bats in your attic." I said, and the lady nodded.

"Yeah, I never really knew they were up there, until one flew out the attic when I opened it up a few days ago. My husband went up there, and seen that there was a few of them up there." She replied, and I nodded.

"Well, we'll get it settled, and we'll make sure that no more bats can get into your attic ever again." Billy said, and the lady smiled.

"Thank you, and may I ask, are you sure you should be going into an attic when you're pregnant?" The lady asked, and I giggled.

"Yeah, I can go up there. I just have to make sure I take it easy while I'm up there." I replied, and she nodded.

"Well, if you need anything to drink or something, I'll be fine with giving you something. Don't be afraid to ask." She stated, before Billy and I went and grabbed our supplies.

    We walked inside of the house, and was showed to the attic. We went into the attic, and turned on the overhead light. We looked around, and we did see bat guano, and it kind of grossed me out. Oh, and did you know that eyeshadow is made of bat guano? Yeah, you use bat crap on your eyes, the only difference is that they take all the bacteria out.

      It didn't take us long to for us to get rid of the bats. We then closed up the vents with a type of screen that would still allow air in, but nothing else could get in through the screen. Once we were done, we headed back downstairs and the lady handed me a water, and said that she didn't want me to get dehydrated. I thanked her, before both Billy and I left the house.

     Our next case, was getting a squirrel out of a lady's chimney. That was way harder than it sounds, because the squirrel was very fast. Once we caught it, we let it go after we walked a little bit into the woods. Then we headed to our next job, but on the way there, I seen that Billy was bleeding a bit on his hand.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked, and he looked down at it.

"Oh, uh, the squirrel bit me. Don't worry though, I'll go to the doctor tomorrow to get it checked out." Billy replied, and I nodded.

     We soon arrived to our third job, which was getting rid of mahogany wasps. Billy was a little hesitant with letting me work this job, but he let me as long as I just stayed in the back. It took us quite a while to do the job, since Billy didn't let me do much. It made me a bit irritated, but I understood where he was coming from. He just wanted me and the baby to be safe, and I did have to agree with him.

      Anyhow, after that, we went out to lunch. We decided on going to Taco Bell, because it was one of my favorite places ever. I got two dorito tacos and a burrito, before we sat down and ate our food. After we ate, we headed out to our last job of the day.

     Our last job of the day, was to catch a opossum that was inside of this elderly lady's house. She said it was a danger to her animals, so we headed inside and hunted it down. We caught the opossum, and showed it to the lady.

"Here is the vermin that was messing with your animals." Billy said, and she shuttered.

"I found him when my bunny had babies. I was so scared he was going to eat them. Thank you both for catching him." She replied, and we nodded.

"You're welcome. Oh, and your bunnies are so cute. I just absolutely love bunnies, so I'm glad we could keep the opposum from eating them." I said, and she smiled.

"Do you want one of my bunnies? I have plenty of them, and I was planning on selling a few of them, so I could give you one as a thank you gift." She offered, and I looked over at Billy, who nodded as an answer.

"Uh, sure. I'd love one." I said, before following her to get one.

     I got a black bunny, before we left and headed to let the opposum go. After we set it free, Billy and I went and picked up all the supplies for a bunny. We then brought the bunny home, before we headed towards the doctor's office. We pulled up outside, and headed right in and signed in.

      I was called to the back quickly, and I was led straight to a room. Once I was in a room, it didn't take long for a doctor to come into the room. She had me lay down and lift my shirt up a bit, before she squirted the cold gel on my lower belly, and rubbing the wand across my lower tummy.

"Would you guys like to know the gender?" She asked, and Billy and I nodded.

"Yeah, we'd like to know." I replied, and she smiled.

"Well, it looks like to me, that you are having a little girl. Congratulations Mom and Dad." She stated, before she went off to make copies of the scan.

"We're having a girl." I said, and Billy grinned.

"Yes we are." He replied, as he kissed my head.

    I was so excited to be having a little girl. I couldn't wait to actually be able to hold my little girl...


A girl!!!! I love this!!! Comment if you want a sequel, or if you find any mistakes I over looked!

Love you guys!


-Youngblood Xxx

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