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I was standing at the egde of a pier, it was night and the water went on forever it seemed. Daddy had already jumped into the water, but I was scared to do so myself.

"Come on, Bumpkin," Daddy coaxed. "You'll be a natural, I'm sure of it."
But I didn't budge. I just couldn't seem to find it in myself to jump. The water was grey, green, and mucky looking. It was just so uninviting, not to mention it looked freezing cold, much colder than I could handle.

"Do you want me to come up there and drag you in here myself?" He was done trying to be nice now, I had already wasted twenty minutes just standing around.

My eyes widened in horror "I- I'm sorry Daddy, b- but it's scary!" I heard myself squeak out, he really was a scary man sometimes.

"You'll be fine! Now get your pretty little ass in here, or you'll regret it!"
I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks now, but I was a lot more scared of Daddy than the retched water down below. I took one step, and then another, looked down over the egde into darkness, and then I pushed off and jumped.

Coldness surrounded me. Taking over all of my senses. I could hardly see anything it was so dark...Oh wait, no. It was just my hair in my eyes. But when I pushed my hair out of my face, it was definitely a lot harder to see in this water than in regular darkness. I tried kicking my bare feet, and waving my arms around me to get up to the surface, but it was no use. I just kept sinking. Horror shot through me like an out of control forest fire, and I found myself screaming. Or at least trying to scream. The sound that was supposed to be coming from my mouth was being drowned out by the water. My lungs flooded with water the instant my lips had parted, and I could feel the sandy ground beneath my feet, sliming its way between my toes. I tried kicking off, to jump up, but I could never get far before sinking again back to the ocean floor.

I was starting to lose focus, my vision went black before I felt hands grab onto my arm, and by that time my need for oxygen was way past overdue. So when I was pulled back to the surface, I was hardly aware, as I spurted out water from my lungs, and swallowed in oxygen that stung worse than imaginably possible.

I heard Daddy swearing as he tried to get me to wake up again. I felt him pull me up onto the pier again and pump my chest. The cold cement under my body was what I really remembered though, and the cold air, and the cold hands of Daddy. Everything was cold.

The world was so cold, I thought as I stared up at the sky, the little stars up above the world so high...Like a diamond in the sky. what was this song I remembered? Where did I hear it? Definitely not from Daddy, he never sang... Then I remembered the coldness again. The world is cold, I thought before falling unconscious.

I woke up with a start. It was the middle of the night, I was in my crib, and the moon was way up in the sky.

Even though I was bundled in a bunch of blankets, I felt terribly cold. Way too cold, like I was under water. It then felt like I couldn't breath anymore. I was gasping for breath, I called out to Mommy and Daddy in the other room, but I couldn't hear my voice come out of my mouth. It felt like ice was clawing out my insides, and I felt sand in between my toes. For just a brief moment, I had a glimpse of pure darkness, or at least it seemed like pure darkness at the time I saw it. When I looked back on it, it was actually the sea floor of an ocean, and my hair was just covering up my eyes. In the glimpse, I felt water surround my body, freezing cold water, but I was still in my crib, wrapped in a bunch of blankets, somehow still warm despite the phantom cold.

I felt like I was being pulled up, there was a tight grip on my arm, it felt like it was being bruised, although the coldness definitely suppressed the pain. The cold feeling of water was replaced with the cold feeling of wind, and salt burning my skin now. I began coughing, though no water actually came out of my mouth, out of my lungs. My lungs and throat felt raw like they were just scrubbed out with extra ruff bristles of a porky pine. Something starting beating down on my chest, making me cough more, as if water was spurting out of my mouth. But the soft matress underneath me was hard as rock now.

The world felt so cold. That was all I could think about as I lay in my bed staring out of the window over head, looking at the little stars. I then remembered auntie Rosalie singing the lullaby to me.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond--

The coldness took over my entire body then. The world is cold, I heard in my mind murmur, before everything went back to normal.

I was in my little crib, wrapped in a bunch of blankets, warm as could possibly be without Jacob. What just happened?

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