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I sat in my room doing my homework and listening to music on full blast I couldn't get Jason out of my head I mean I've never really had a second thought about the guy until today I mean just seeing how he stuck up for the little guy and the way he makes me smile it's just an indescribable feeling, but who am I kidding this guy probably doesn't like me I mean we've been at the same high school for 4 years and we never even looked let alone talked to each other.

A knock at the door snap me out of my train of thought. I look behind me and saw my mother standing at my doorway. She was dressed in her scrubs probably heading to work now.

"Hey Mamie?" I said and yanked out one my headphones.

"Hey niña, how was Saturday detention? I hope it wasn't too bad as you hope. "She asks.

"Well we first got drunk, then smoked pot, and then we all rob a bank." I teased.

"Sounds fun. Did you save me some pot?"She teased back.

I shook my head at my mom's antics.

"But in all honesty it wasn't that bad and I actually made a few friends, Jason Scott." I said.

'I've heard of him he's on the football team right?" She questioned.

"Correct. I actually got invited to hang out with him and another kid from school." I said.

"Then why are you here? Get out of here! Be a teenager for once in your life. Get drunk. Do drugs but be home by midnight." She teases.

"Most parents would shriek in terror if their child did that." I said.

"Not me I'm more worried about you being in this room and becoming a serial killer or becoming Norman Bates." She said.

"Um aren't they the same thing." I questioned. I stand corrected Norman bates killed he's mother and then killed people in he's mother clothes. If doesn't scream mommy issues then I don't know what does?

"Whatever, just go live your life." She said before she kisses my forehead and leaves. "Te amo mi niña duerma bien."  She said softly. Love you my baby girl.

I sigh and twiddle my pencil between my fingers.

Maybe she's right maybe I should go out and actually have a life I spend most of my teenage years in my room listening to music, do my homework, or take care of my little brother.

My train of thought was cut off when my phone rang almost startled me. I look at the caller ID it was Jason I was hesitated for a moment and then answered.

"Hey superstar." I smirked.

"Billy's house 10 minutes." He said then hung up.

"Okay." I said. I got up and changed into some dark wash jeans, a tank top, jacket, and sneakers.

I shuffled down the stairs I made my way to the living room my brother sat on the couch watching TV, doing homework, and drinking probably second can of soda he's daily ritual.

"Hey squirt, I'm gonna head out I'll be back." I said. then rushed out of the house.

*later on at the Cranston residence*

I made my way to Billy's house I pulled up in front of Cranston household just seconds before Jason rode up on he's bike.

Jason ran to the door.

"What your rush flash?" I ask while I took my helmet.

"Ankle. Monitor. Almost 7. Big. Trouble." He said between breaths and sweat was beating down he's face. He looked like he was about to cough up a lung.

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