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I let out a deep exhale and my heart starts racing I look around and see I was in my room. How the hell am I home last thing I remember was being hit by a train!? How the hell am I even alive?

I examined myself I had no scraps, marks, and or bruises.

I dug into my pocket and took that gold coin from yesterday. I got the bathroom and stare at confusingly at myself. I place it on the counter and turn on the faucet and it comes off its hinges.

"Oh shit." I exclaims.

I grab a towel and submerged the spraying water. I look into the mirror I look like I've gained abs.

"What the hell is happening to me?" I muttered. A knock at my door startled me.

"Honey are you awake?" My mom ask from behind the door.

"Yeah mom I'm awake I'll be down in a second." I lied.

"Okay.' She said and I can hear footsteps bellow away from the door and down the stairs.

I got dressed and didn't even bother to have breakfast; I rush to school and I looked for Jason.

I approach him at he's locker and I slam it shut.

"Is it just me or did you wake up with superhuman strength." I whispered loudly.

"So it's happening to you too." He said.

"Yeah this morning I woke this morning with a six pack and I broke the sink." I exclaims.

"You what?" Jason questioned.

"Don't injury yourself trying to think about it; we gotta find the others." He said he slams he's locker and we make our way down the stairs I saw Kim in my path way.

"We need to talk sweetie." I grab her arm and I pull her aside.

"Am I or this is crazy right?" Jason said.

"It's crazy." Kim said.

"No, this isn't crazy this is borderline I need psychiatric attention." I quipped.

"I agree with that statement." Kim said.

"We got hit by a train and we're standing here. How is that possible?" Jason questioned.

"Do I look like Oprah I don't know all; all I know it that I woke this morning I was different." I said

"I don't even remember getting home from the mine at all. I slept all day yesterday." Kim said.

"We gotta find Billy." Jason said.

"That should be hard he's the popular kid at school right now." Kim said.

"How?" I asked.

"He beat up Colt Wallace." She replied quickly.

"Um sorry we're talking about Billy Cranston right about his tall, scrawny boy, rambles a lot how the hell can he beat up colt!" I exclaims.

We got the cafeteria and there was crowd around Billy as he talks about he's profound and shocking tale of heroism.

"Sorry to interrupt but Billy's coming with me."I said while dragging Billy away from he's fan club to Kim and Jason.

"Nice hair." Amanda tease Kim.

"Hey I wouldn't concern yourself about her hair more about that fake boob you got last summer and trust me honey those thing aren't worth a penny." I quipped the cafeteria erupts in oh's and ah's. She huffs and walk away.

"Thanks." Kim smiles.

"No problem." I smiled back. We turn our attention back to Billy who seemed a bit distracted.

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