Chapter2:worth it(listen to music while reading)

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Miracle pov

I kept sobbing on his chest for 1 minute IDK y but I feel very safe when I hug him.Nobody has ever hugged me before I was always getting hit at till the point were I'm used to it.i broke the hug and looked at him.

Mateo:*grabs miracles hand*

Miracle:were r we going

Mateo:To the mall

Both of them get in the car and teo starts driving

Miracle:why I don't have money

Mateo:I do

Miracle:Mateo....*looks down speaks lowly* don't waste ur money and time on me I'm not worth it.

Mateo:Heyy what u mean don't talk like that u my best friend and I'm gonna spoil u wheater u like it or not


Mateo:miracle Babygirl calm down I want u to be happy enjoy life I wanna see u smile.

Nahhhhh what my heart just melted that's the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me.But I can't give in to fast what if he's playing around with me what if someone is telling him to do something to me I started blushing but I looked away so he won't notice but I guess he did.

Mateo:Awww u blushed that's cute

Miracle:stop it teo.. I'm ugly

Mateo:No ur not stop saying that ur very beautiful don't ever let people step over u ur unique and talented in ur own way. U could do whatever u want In life if u put ur mind to it.

Mateo just boosted my confidence a little I actually smiled for the first time in a long time I actually smiled teo kept looking at me and the road. And he started laughing.

Mateo:aww ur so adorable when u smile *laughs*

Miracle:omg stop it *laughs & smile and looks away*

10 minutes later ~~~~

Mateo:miracle wake up were here get up *shakes miracle*

I wake up and looked around to notice that we are in the parking lot mall.

Miracle:Mateo what are we doing here.

Mateo:i told u I'm going to spoil u

Miracle:no ur not

Mateo:am too

We got out the car and walked to the entrance of the mall. I looked around to see how huge it was I forgot that the mall was this huge considering that I don't go anywhere.

Mateo:were do u wanna go first

Miracle:Mateo don't waste ur money on me

He toke my hand and pulled me into a forever 21 and pulled me in a clothes section.we stopped in front of it.i looked at him and the clothes.

Mateo:Go on bestfriend get what ever u want I'm spoiling u

I slowly walked to the section and ran me fingers threw a shirt and bit by bit I started wandering off with teo behind me.

10 minutes later ~~~~

We just got out of forever 21 with 4 bags of clothes

Mateo:do u have a phone

Miracle:*shakes head no*

Mateo:*smirks* well u gonna have one now *runs into a iPhone store*

Miracle:*sprints after him* Mateo stop don't buy me anything anymore

Mateo:*yells* u can't make me

5 minutes later ~~~~

Still miracle pov

Thanks to Mateo I now have the iPhone 7 plus in rose gold. He wouldn't listen to me so I gave up. I feel useless now.we were still in the mall and we pass by a Victoria Secret and i look threw the glass and I started walking slowly.suddenly I felt Mateo pull me in.

Miracle:wait Mateo what r u doing

Mateo:im spoiling u duhhhh

Miracle:but ur gonna use all ur money on me don't do that.

Mateo:so I have alot of money I dont use might ass well use it

Miracle:So that's not ri-(gco-)

Mateo:Listen Babygirl miracle I know u want clothes but ur afraid to show it right cuz u don't always have an opportunity to enjoy stuff pike this right.

Miracle:*nods and puts head down*

Mateo:*picks her head up with his finger* what did I tell u already stop doing that Babygirl ur to beautiful to have ur head down now come on and get whatever you want.

I looked at him I then gave him a hug he's the only person that actually cares about me.But am I being lied to?

1hour later~~~

Mateo pov

So after I toke miracle shopping we went to the foodcourt. And went in Mc.Donalds to get our food and my miracle choose alot to eat it was crazy.But when she put her sleeve up to eat I saw that she had alot of scratches and bruises on her arm it was crazy she quickly put her sleeve down she must of though that I didn't notice but i did.

This boy came up to her and started talking to her.

?boy?:Hey MA how u doing

She just glared at me and kept eating her food he then tapped her.she moved over

?boy?:Ayy I'm talking to u answer me why u being-(gco)-

Mateo:Clearly she doesn't want to talk to u or know u so u could leave and go about ur day

?boy?:stfu I'm not talkin to-(gco)-


The boy looked at miracle confused and angry. She looked at me with softness in her eyes and her eyes began to get watery.The boy then stomped away.

Mateo:Hey r u ok

Miracle:*voice shaky with head down* Mateo I was never OK at home at school on the street there was always someone that bothers me abuse me Im always getting abuse at home by my parents I even got rape by my own stepdad Mateo my mom doesn't even care about me she even calls me a mistake I'm hurting inside and mentally and physically I even get beat up at school for no reason.I tried to kill myself once for all this *rolls sleeve up* but I try to find one reason to stay alive but I can't find it I was never OK Mateo but today u showed me and gave me a reason to stay alive to continue on with my life that I have and I thank u for everything that u did for me today I actually enjoyed myself for the first time in years.*is now crying*

I get up from my seat and looked at her up close and my she is so beautiful she even has freckles I honestly like miracle she's just so worth it. I then gave her a long hug and kissed her head as she sobbed on my chest.

Mateo:Im sorry that happened to u,u deserve better

As we kept on hugging I whipped some of her tears. Why she's just so worth it

Thank u for reading this chapter make sure to vote comment and like for more.sorry for any mistakes..Unicorn gang out byeeeee

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