Chapter 9: Surprise 😖 💕

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Teo pov

If miracle ever finds out about that i will not know what to do 😪

I love her so much man

I would never do anything to hurt her

Miracle pov

Best: Soooo.. how's u and teo ? Hmmm

Miracle: Where doing good I like our relationship

Currently me and her where just sitting on my bed tryna figure out what we're gonna watch

Because we finished all our homework

Best: That's good ... But best

Miracle: Hmm

Best: I gotta tell u sum

Niyah pov (Best)

As her best friend I think she should know that her So called nigga went to a party

Without her permission

Best: Alright so *clears throat* there was this party at Nellys house when u was still in the hospital

She just looked at me with her evil eyes 😫😳😖

Miracle: Ok

Best: And.. Um... and -gco-

Miracle: And finish ya sentence

Best: *Sigh* Teo went to it

Miracle: WHATTT...

Best: Yea ... he didn't tell you ? *points to her*

Miracle: No he didn't *brings head down*

Best: *Sigh* he came back the next day... and he said he couldn't remember anything

Miracle: What u mean ?

Best: He came back lookin sad and disappointed and told me he couldn't remember a thing *sigh*

Miracle: How could he not remember? That must've ment somebody did something to him

Best: Every time I tried to talk to him about it he just walked away or said he didn't wanna talk about it

This is disappointing I hate seeing my best friend sad it breaks my heart 💔

Miracle pov

How could he not tell me?

I was in the hospital trying to get better and doing test and shit

While he was out partying

I just sighed out loud

I looked at my best friend with watery eyes and she looked at me with sorrow

Best: Please don't cry best.. I hate to see u cry

I couldn't take it no more I started to breakdown

And to think I trusted him

Ayo pov

I heard miracle crying while I pressed my ear on her door

Yea I was here the whole time to make sure they got here safe

I need to tell teo this when he comes he can't just keep hurting my sis miracle

I went down to the kitchen to get me something to eat

As soon as I opened the fridge I heard the front door open

I quickly walked to it to see teo holding Roses and bags

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