chapter3:wowzers(listen 2 music while reading)

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Miracle pov

After Mateo toke me shopping I actually felt a little bit better but not sure if I should trust him even after everything he did for me today.We walked out the mall and into his car and teo started driving.

Mateo:Soooooo were do u wanna go next princess

Awwwwww did he just actually me princess or is he trying to play me. Uggggggg so much emotions

Miracle:*Blushing & shrugs shoulders*

Mateo:Awwwwww how about the park

Miracle:*laughs* ok

At the park~~~~

Mateo pov

Miracle:*lowly* Wow

Mateo:what,what happen

Miracle:*head down,lowly speaks* I haven't come to the park since I was 10

Mateo:*squeaky voice* really?!

Miracle:*head down* Yea

Mateo:*brings her head up* what did I tell u about having ur head down girl.

Miracle:*head down* sorry

Mateo:u did it again boo *laughs*

Miracle:oh *laughs*

We walked to a bench and sat down and look at the sun set

Miracle:*lowly* this is beautiful

Mateo:*smiles* just like u baby

Miracle:*blushes & smile* thank u teo

Mateo:ur welcome beautiful do u know u have a beautiful smile even though u have braces.

Miracle:*laughs and tries to cover mouth* thanks teo

After that it went silent I moved a little closer to miracle and put my head on her shoulder when I got a message.

Big bro(Ayleo) 😎🙌:Ayyyy wya ??

Little bro (teo) 😎🍟:Im wit miracle y?

Big bro😎🙌:Nun mom just asked

Little bro😎🍟:Yea tell her I  be there in a few.

Big bro😎🙌:Aii ✌

Little bro😎🍟:✌

Dammm miracle smell mah good

Mateo:Damm miracle u smell mah good

Miracle:*looks at mateo* thank u teo *smiles*

Mateo:ur welcome *grabs miracles face cups here face with hands*

I brought her face closer to mine as she looked at me in the eyes her eyes are mah beautiful there a visible brown.

Miracle pov

He's so cute up close but y is he bringing my face so close to his, is he going to kiss me?!Next thing I know he smashed his lips onto mine and we were kissing right there on the bench under the sunset. As I always dreamed of,but I never thought it would actually happen.Oh MA goshhh his lips are so soft his kiss feels magical.after what seemed like 30 seconds he pulled away and looked at me in the eyes.

Miracle:*lowly speaks, head down* Mateo why did u kiss me

Mateo:*pecks her lips* because miracle ur beautiful and I like u

Miracle:*head down, lowly speaks, voice shaky* no one has ever liked me b4 *tear falls*

Mateo:*picks her head up* it's OK baby girl don't cry I will never leave u and never hurt u and that's a promise.

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