Chapter5:Anways(listen 2 music while reading)

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Miracle pov

Teo:*moans* damn baby u tight

Miracle:Faster *moans* Ahh

He started to pick up his pace as he reached his climax.He then pulled out and started to kiss me passionlity he then went to my neck finding my sweet spot making sure to leave hickies.He then started to go down and stopped at my entrance.Without any warning he stuck his tongue inside of me making me moan loudly he then started to eat me out.

Miracle:Hmmm *moans* t-teo I c-can't hold it *stutters & moans*

Teo:*muffles* Hold it

I then started to arch my back like crazy as I came and teo licked all my juices.

Teo:Damm baby u taste good

I jumped from my bed realizing it was a dream wtfffff,is all I could think about.Wait do I actually like teo he just my best friend nothing like that right.*chuckles to herself*.well that was weird.I don't even wanna go to sleep anymore.I got out of bed and walked down to the kitchen to see ago eating cereal.

Ayo:wassup sis *waves hand*

Miracle:Hey bro *waves hand* I can't sleep IDK y tho *speaks lowly*

Ayo:u probably not tired u probably hungry to.

Miracle:now that u mentioned it I probably am do u guys have chocolate chip cookies.

Ayo:Yea in that cabinet *points to cabinet*

Miracle:Thanks,*whispers* fuck that shit to high for me I'm only 4'11.

I reached for the cabinet and managed to open it now for the embarrassing part.I tried to get the box but my hands couldn't reach it.

Miracle:*groans in frustration* um a little help please

Ayo:*laughs* damn u that short

Mateo:I got it *says it while walking into the kitchen* here u go beautiful

Miracle:Thank u teo *laughs* Good morning BTW

Teo:Good morning princess *kisses her forehead*

Teo:so what u wanna do today

Miracle:um IDK I was going back to sleep again I was just hungry.

Teo:Oh that's aii

Ayo:Sleepy head

Miracle:shut up *laughs*

After that I took out some milk and microwaved it I took some cookies and went upstairs after that I ate it and slowly started to dose of.

Leloo(Ayo) pov

Ayo:wassup baby *kisses lips*

?girl?:Hey boo

Curantly we are at the park sitting on a bench talking.

Leloo:Bae can I ask u something

?girl?:Yea wassup

Leloo:so mateo has a girl bestfriend but she doesn't have a  normal life she gets bullied she got abuse at home her step-dad even raped her and she tried to kill herself.

?girl?:Nahhhhhhh what that's fucking mo

Leloo:yea but she living with us now and her parents are in jail.

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