6:Amazing(listen 2 Music While Reading)

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Miracle pov

We still was kissing he put his hands on my face and started to move me back so now he was on top of me and I under him he started moving his hands slowly down my back and started rubbing my butt.He slowly started tracing my neck with kisses and I softly let out a moan.He then pulled my shirt up so now I'm in a bra and shorts.He then carried me bridal style and in his room closing the door with his foot and he put me on his bed.He kiss me again and unbutton my bra I was scared at first but he gave me an it's OK look.

He started sucking on my right breast and squeezing the other one I started to moan.

Miracle:*moans* Mateo hmmmm

His hand slowly started going down till he reached my pants he pulled them off and started rubbing me I eventually started moaning into the kiss.I started enjoying it but then out of nowhere I started thinking about my pass and push Teo off crabbing my shirt and bra quickly pulled my pants up and ran out of the room

Tator:*shouts*Hey miracle were u going I'm sorry

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him

Tator:if ur not ready it's okay I understand I won't pressure u, I'll wait for how long u want me to

All I did was looked down then Ayo came out his room he noticed that I didn't have a shirt on and was covering my breast.

Ayo:*Deep voice* Mateo what did u do *starts getting closer to him*

Mateo:I didn't do anything it was an - gco-

Ayo was about to swing on him but

Miracle:NOOOOO stop he didn't do anything it was me *looks down*nothing happened we just crossed each other's boundaries

They both looked at me and Ayo put his arm down and Mateo gave me a softer Look.I think ima go to bed

Miracle:Goodnight guys *sighs*


I put my shirt on and turned my lights off and went under my covers just looking at the ceiling replaying what just happened.Then I slowly drifted of to sleep.

The next day ~~~~~~~~

Mateo pov

I feel so guilty about what happened yesterday I know it was to fast considering that we just met.But at least she forgave me right?

I got up showered and got dressed into this.

I wonder what ima do today

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I wonder what ima do today. Today is Sunday oh yeah homework needs to get done.Welps ima do that before I get lazy.

Miracle pov

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes I quickly rolled over and started stretching.Outta no where I started shaking rapidly and I quickly started screaming for help. Then blacked out.

Mateo pov

So I was doing my homework minding my own business when I heard miracle screaming I quickly ran into her room to see her shaking rapidly and her eyes kept rolling to the back of her head and white foam coming out her mouth. She's having a seizure.

I quickly called 911 then started yelling for Ayo to come he quickly came.

Ayo:What happened

Teo:she had a seizure

At the hospital🏥 ~~~~~~

Miracle pov

I woke to up to see that I was in a hospital room with tons of wires connected to me. How come every time I wake up I'm always in the hospital I mentally rolled my eyes. Till Teo, Ayo, and niyah came in.

Niyah:Wassup girl how u feeling

Me:I don't know *shrugged*

Then the doctor came in

Doctor:miracle Jordan white right

I nodded my head

Doctor:I'm sorry to say this but u have acute stress disorder and anxiety attacks, and epilepsy

My heart broke down

Miracle:*voice cracks* what is that

Doctor:Well acute stress disorder means, The anxiety and behavioral disturbances that develop within a month of exposure to extreme trauma, such extreme traumatic events include rape or other severe physical assault, near death experience in accidents, witnessing a murder, and combat.

Miracle:*starts crying*

Doctor:And anxiety attacks mean, with symptoms such as pounding or  racing heart, sweating trembling or shaking feelings of choking or smothering, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, feelings of unreality, and chills or hot flashes.

Niyah:*sniffing* is she going to be okay

Doctor:She will as long as she takes her medication and eat healthy.

Ayo:And the last one *crying*

Doctor:oh right and um epilepsy means, a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Miracle:Am I going to die

Doctor:well not really but-gco-

Teo:What u mean not really she's very sick and we have to have a positive answer so we could always be there for her. *close to yelling*

Doctor:well we have to keep her here for a few days to run tests on her *walks out*

All I could do was cry and look at my friends face how they were all in pain and crying. But we just recently met how could they care about me so much.

Niyah:We'll always be here for u ur not alone anymore *gives miracle long hug* *and crying*

Ayo:We'll always take care of u lil sis *dabbs miracle*

Miracle:Thanks ayo *slightly smiling*

Teo:Miracle I um have to go *walk out*

He just walked out on me I couldn't even say anything to him. Is he really going to be there for after only two days of meeting him?

Hey guys sorry I couldn't update I lost my phone then went on vacation and I just now got situated with wattpad. But I promise I will try to update sooner, I start school September 7th which is a Thursday omg 😐😢😴 I don't want to go, oh yeah BTW I'm using my mom's phone so it will take a while. If u like this chapter, vote, comment and share, for longer chapters. ✌️✌️

Kaitlyn 💓🤘

Tator tot out ✌️🍟

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