Chapter 6: Chapter six is done

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Taehyung tried to find Jungkook for the rest of the lunch time, but he couldn't find him anywhere. When the next class had started, he waited for him to come but he never did. At first he thought he was running late, on purpose or not, but he never showed up.

Taehyung was definitely starting to become worried. Jungkook was his priority, not school, and therefore he stormed out of the classroom and searched for him more seriously by following his angel instincts and feeling.

He realised he had left the school building, and so he tried to track him up again, and after an hour or so, he found him outside an abandoned school, sitting on a swing alone. "Jungkook?" Taehyung breathed out in relief.

The male on the swing quickly shot up his gaze, seeming genuinely surprised to see his classmate. "Did you ditch school to look for me?" he asked surprised.

"Well, I was the reason why you left, aren't I?" he asked, approaching the male and sat on the swing beside him. "I'm sorry for what I said, but you judged it wrongly," he began, but before he could continue, Jungkook started talking.

"I know I did," he said quietly, "I just overreacted. I know what you meant. It's my fault."

Taehyung stared at him amazed. "So why didn't you come back to school?" he asked.

"I just - I don't know, okay?" Jungkook said, "I just wanted to get out of there."

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way," Taehyung apologised.

"It's not you, okay?"

"'It's not you, it's me', right?" Taehyung chuckled, causing the other to smile as well. "Can I ask why you misjudged me earlier?"

"I'm just being sensitive," he said, but the angel didn't give up so easily.

"Every human is sensitive when it comes to something personal," he said, "it's only natural."

Jungkook sighed as he nodded his head. "Remember how my dad kept his distance with you?" he asked as Taehyung nodded his head in response. "Well, he thought maybe you were my boyfriend, or something, as I never bring anyone home, or even tell people where I live."

"Boyfriend?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah," he nodded his head, "I came out to my parents during my Freshman year of high school. My mother has learned to accept it, although she thinks every male I interact with are flirting or my crush or something, whilst my dad thinks I've slept with everyone and will become this big rebel and run off with him."

"I'm surprised," Taehyung said, "not over the fact that you're homosexual, but that you're telling me this. We met yesterday, but still you're opening up to me so quickly." Taehyung didn't know whether he should've kept that to himself. But Jungkook didn't seemed to be angry about it.

"I guess you can say that I do like you," he smiled, "you're not bothered by my sexuality?"

"I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation."

Jungkook frowned. "Is that a Supernatural reference?" he asked.

"Caught," Taehyung giggled, "but I mean it."

"So what's yours then? Straight?"

Taehyung didn't know how to answer. He didn't have a sexual orientation. He was an angel. "Uhm, I'm..." he started, not knowing what he could say. What would make my human the happiest? "I - I'm gay too," he just said.

A gentle smile curved on the human's lips. "I'm glad I'm not alone then."

Taehyung smiled back. "Me too. I was worried I wouldn't make any friends when I arrived yesterday at school, but I've changed my mind," he said, "you changed my mind."

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