Chapter 10: Angel of the Lord

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Jungkook stared at the angel shocked as he was sitting in the tree right outside his window.

Taehyung was speechless. He didn't know what he could say. What on Earth could he say to not cause panic to the other, or seem normal at all? He literally looked like a creep who was stalking him. "I - I can explain," he started, but as he was reaching towards his human at the same time, he lost his balance and managed to fall down from the tall tree. He heard Jungkook let out a surprised scream, and so did Taehyung, but what surprised him more was that he never hit the ground.

"Oh my god." Taehyung couldn't tell if it was him or Jungkook who said it, but he didn't care. What was bigger was his wings. Exactly - his wings. They had somehow spread out, and he was flying in air so he wouldn't fall down and hurt himself. Even though he was an angel, he could definitely be hurt after that high and hard fall, but he had managed to get his wings to come out - and fly on top of that for the first time. Taehyung had never managed to fly before. It wasn't something he'd learn until his mission with his human was assigned off. How he had managed that, he didn't know.

"H - Hyung, is that you?" Taehyung heard a voice from off the ground. Jungkook had gone out of the house outside, was now standing on the grass in his bare feet and pyjamas, gaping up at the human look-alike with big white wings attached to its back.

Taehyung was aiming for a soft landing, but since it was literally his first time being able to fly, he landed rather harshly and made the ground shake slightly, causing the brown haired boy in front of him to whimper for a second.

"I'm sorry you found out this way," he said in a low voice, "or rather, I'm sorry you found out at all."

Jungkook was staring at him with such wide eyes he had never seen on him before. His face gave him the impression he'd start screaming and punching, demanding him to get away as far as he could.

But he didn't. He was surprisingly calm, though his popping eyes clearly told him he couldn't exactly be described as 'calm'.

"Wha-" He couldn't even get himself to finish off his sentence.

"Jungkookie, please don't be scared," the angel said calmly, "it's me, Taehyungie hyung."

Jungkook slightly nodded, still breathing heavily, barely even blinking, as if the being in front of him would disappear if he did, which a highly professional angel actually could manage.

"Taehyung...hyung," he said in between a long breath, "what - what are you? You're not..."

"A human, no," he finished off for him as he didn't himself, "I'm an angel of the Lord."

If Jungkook hadn't witnessed his wings just a moment ago, he would burst out laughing at how pathetic it sounded to him, but he couldn't. Not after what he saw.

"An - an angel?" he asked carefully.

Taehyung nodded. "An angel," he confirmed.

The human then managed to let out an awkward short laugh. "Is this some kind of television joke? Are the camera's up in the tree? Were the wings some high tech design just to make me look like a wicked person?" he kept on asking for reasonable explanations.

"Is is that hard for you to believe I'm real?" Taehyung asked, slightly frowning.

"Of course," he said, "angels don't exist." He only looked stupid for saying so in front of an angel of the Lord, but he couldn't bring himself to believe.

"But still here I am," Taehyung smirked slightly, causing the other to feel embarrassed on purpose, "I am real, Jungkookie, just as real as you are."

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