Chapter 13: I'm here

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Jungkook nearly felt like crying. He wanted to argue with Taehyung, ask why the rules were like they were, ask why he had to follow them, ask if he was worth it rebelling for.

But then he thought about it: of course he wasn't worth it. Taehyung had never showed any signs of liking the human. He was his protector, and that was all. He got to know him, and he learned to understand him, but that was all. Jungkook was alone falling for the other.

"I, er, need a moment," he whispered, barely audible, "please hyung."

Taehyung nodded, not even questioning like he did last time, and exited his room and waited outside, although the door was slightly open.

Jungkook picked up a pillow and pressed his face against it, trying his best to block his sobs. He knew Taehyung was unreachable the moment he learned he wasn't human, and it made him regret finding out in the first place; if he just hadn't made him fall down from the tree, if he had just ignored seeing him outside his window and pretended it never happened, he wouldn't know. But then again, Taehyung would continue on his awkward humans encounters and lies. Now Jungkook knew all he had told about himself was a lie, unless it was heaven related. He didn't have parents who died. He didn't live with his uncle and aunt. He didn't even have a home on Earth.

Taehyung could never become something more to Jungkook, and it crushed his heart into pieces.

"Jungkookie?" a voice suddenly asked through the door.

Jungkook got up unwillingly as he sat on the floor with his back against the door, still having his pillow tightly in his grip, careful not to sob out loud. "I'm here," he reassured," I'm okay."

"I - I heard you cry," the angel asked concerned, "I'm worried. Are you in danger?"

Jungkook had to take a deep breath before replying. "I'm not in danger hyung," he said, choking back his tears, "I'm right here."

Jungkook spotted the elder's hand resting on the floor from the door gap with his palm open. The boy smiled to himself, and then he placed his hand softly in the other's and intertwined their fingers together.

"I'm here too," Taehyung said, "I'm here."

Jungkook let out his tears silently, but feeling the other's presence, and his comforting soft squeezes from his hand made him feel better than before. He made him feel loved, even though it was love that made him cry to begin with. "Hyung?" he asked randomly.

"Yes?" the other replied.

But Jungkook didn't speak. He felt as if he would press out a word, he'd only start to sob loudly again. Taehyung seemed to realise so he removed his hand, and this time he came uninvited inside Jungkook's room again, facing the younger male.

"Don't ever be afraid to talk to me," the angel reassured him, "I'm always here for you."

"That's just it, hyung," Jungkook cried, "you won't. You won't always be here for me. Someday, I'll lose you."

"What makes you think that?" the angel asked as he furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"Or else everyone else would have an angel by their side as well, and you wouldn't have been a secret."

Taehyung fell silent as he didn't have an argument back. Of course the younger was right. Eventually Taehyung's mission would be either a fail or completed, so he wouldn't always be by Jungkook's side. But that wasn't what he had meant. He meant Jungkook could always talk to him, pray to him, and he'd always hear him.

"You can always pray when I'm not here," Taehyung told him, although he wasn't supposed to, but seeing his human he cared so much for being so destroyed, it just destroyed him as well on the inside. "I can always hear you pray, whether I'm down on Earth, or up in heaven. If you pray to me, I'll hear you, no matter what."

Jungkook broke down in a cry again. He'd never forget to pray to Taehyung. He'd pray to him every night. But knowing the fact he wouldn't see him one day, it just broke him.

"I can't lose you."

Taehyung's eyes watered up. He just stood there, watching his human cry his eyes out. His heart ached so much from watching, so he tried something he never thought he'd do: he cupped Jungkook's face with his hands, quickly drying his tears with his thumbs, and then he pulled him gently closer, and kissed him right on the lips.

Jungkook stopped crying immediately; he let the angel kiss him, but when their lips separated again, he couldn't help but to stare at the other with a slight frown. "Why did you do that?" he asked.

"I can't stand you crying," Taehyung said, "I'd do anything to keep you from crying."

"You just said it yourself that angels and humans can't have an intimate relationship," he told him sadly.

Taehyung hesitated. "If it makes you happy, I'd do anything for you."

Jungkook's face darkened. He quickly snapped the angel's hands away from him, glaring at him. "What the hell Taehyung!" he barked, "'if it makes me happy'? What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't want to be with you because you want to keep me happy! Don't you see that's wrong? I want to be with you for us both, for both of us to be happy, and because you'd like me back. Do you think I want a fake relationship? What exactly do you take me for?" Jungkook was beyond furious. He knew Taehyung was an angel and probably didn't really know what to do in most human situations, but that took the cake. Jungkook wasn't a pet to keep happy by doing everything it wanted just because you'd feel bad about making it sad.

"I - I didn't know it was wrong," Taehyung defended himself, "I thought I was doing the right thing for you."

Jungkook glared harder. "If you want to keep my happy, then get out of my sight." No, Jungkook didn't meant that. He didn't want the angel to leave his side. He wanted him to embrace him, maybe even kiss him again. But if he did it just because Jungkook wanted to, then he'd rather the angel just doing nothing.

But he didn't do nothing. He tried to approach him again, this time holding his hands tightly in his own. "It's not just because of you," he said softly, "every time I look into your eyes, I can't think of anything other than making you happy. Whenever I see your smile, I smile too because you look so handsome. Every time you laugh, I laugh too because I just become so damn happy, and I think to myself how lucky I am to get to know such an amazing person.

"When I see you cry, my insides turn in such uncomfortable ways I want to cry myself, although I've never cried before. And when I look at your lips - whether you're smiling or not - I know I shouldn't think of it, but I keep wanting to touch them, to peck them, and to kiss them with my own. When I look at you, Jeon Jungkook, I feel like I have a zoo in my belly, just because butterflies are too little to describe what I feel whenever I look at you."

Jungkook was so speechless, but when Taehyung leaned in for another kiss, he was glad he couldn't say anything, and he let the angel kiss him again.

What Jungkook was feeling, was indescribable. His angel, his Taehyungie, he kissed him again. He told him how he felt when he was in his presence. Was being an angel that much different from being a human? By the way Taehyung felt for Jungkook wasn't what friends - or protectors - should feel. It was so much more. Taehyung didn't just feel protective and caring for the human; he had fallen for him, and he had no chance of flying back up with his wings, as it was already too late.

Taehyung pulled away just slightly, but still being so close their foreheads would touch each other. "If there's anyone I'd rebel for, giving up my grace for, it'd be for you, Jungkookie, and only you," he said, witnessing a single tear rolling down the younger's cheek, "because I love you."

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