Chapter 19: Earth (final chapter)

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Final chapter is up everyone~ I hope it's been an interesting - but enjoyable - journey for you all! Have a good read my lovelies .xx 


Taehyung woke up, his pain was still throbbing in his body, but somehow he felt better. And when he forced himself to open up his eyes, he realised he wasn't outside anymore, and neither in heaven. He was on Earth. In a hospital to be precise, as it said so on the door.

He tried to remember how he had ended up there. He recalled hearing a voice of another person whom panicked at the sight of him.

"Oh, you're awake," said a full grown lady with a white long coat, her name tag on her front pocket spelling 'Doctor Park' as she strolled into his room, staring at him surprised, "how are you feeling?"

Taehyung nodded, not ready yet to use his sore throat. "Is it okay if I ask you a few questions, or do you want to rest firstly?"

He nodded. "It's, okay," he said with a pause in between.

The lady nodded. "Firstly, what's your name?" she asked softly.

"Kim Taehyung," he replied.


He had to think through what age he told humans when he watched over his human. "Twenty years old."

"Where are your family?"

Taehyung's face darkened. "I don't have a family."

The lady doctor seemed to had witnessed his sorrow. "Let's continue later, yeah?" Taehyung nodded, allowing her to exit his room after giving him her warmest smile she could manage before disappearing. She must've stood right outside his door still as she was talking to someone else, and if Taehyung managed to concentrate hard, he could hear them.

"The poor kid has been tortured, Doc! He has bruises all over him, mostly on his back. He was found naked in the middle of the streets, and he tells me has got no family. What can we actually do for him, other than heal him?" She sounded like she was in panic and despair, and Taehyung felt bad for troubling the humans. As soon as he was well enough to travel, he'd disappear from the hospital and the doctors, taking one problem away from them they didn't have to worry about.

Just a week later Taehyung felt strength in his feet. He thought he could leave in just a few days, but he was in worse condition than he thought. The doctors had kept trying to get answers out of him, and so he kept on lying until he could disappear without being caught. When he found some clothes he borrowed (until he'd one day give them back) and sneaked out.

The fallen angel walked on the familiar wet ground. He had long missed the smell of how Earth smelled like. He could smell the light air, the amazing freshness of the rain, the coldness; he loved it so much. And the smell he missed the most: the grass. The fact it was wet made it even better.

The brown haired male was already soaking wet from the rain. His hair was forming around his head, his clothes sticking to his body, his shoes making funny sounds whenever he took a step; despite all that, it was much better than heaven, nonetheless better than the torture. He loved Earth so much, he wouldn't stay in heaven even if he had a chance of starting all over again.

But he also loved the very human who made him into what he had become now, and he needed to find him. He tried going to his school, even his house, but he was nowhere to be found. An idea swirled in his head, making it possible he was at the playground they spent so much time together, but even there he was nowhere in sight.

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