Chapter 9: Do you like me?

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Here's a bit longer chapter since I'm nice~ I hope you've been looking forward for more updates .xx


Taehyung's jaw dropped. "You want me to join your dinner?" he asked, literally feeling so amazed he couldn't help but to stare at the human like he had said the craziest thing so far.

"Sure. I mean, only if you want to. It's not like I'm gonna force you or anything," the younger one said, slightly blushing. "Please, come with me. I don't want to be alone yet."

Taehyung's grin grew wider. "I'd love to," he agreed, making the other's smile grow wider.

"So, you like seafood?"

Taehyung didn't know. He had never tried it, but even if he wouldn't, he knew how to eat without showing any signs of dislike. "Seafood is great," he said as he nodded.

Jungkook lead them back to his house, although Taehyung obviously knew already where it was. When they had entered through the door, Taehyung once again met with the human's parents, and for some reason he felt nervous. He didn't know why, but he felt the urge to make them like him, and would want him to come back.

"It's Kim Taehyung," Mrs Jeon beamed as she spotted him and quickly walked up to him to greet him again. "How lovely to see you again."

"You too, Mrs Jeon," Taehyung greeted back with a bow, "you still look beautiful."

The woman giggled happily. "Why, thank you."

Now it was the person Taehyung was the most nervous about came in sight - Jungkook's father. "Good - good evening, Mr Jeon," Taehyung greeted him with another bow.

"Good evening," he replied back, still holding his distance.

"Why don't you shake his hand, dear?" Mrs Jeon suggested, seeing how distant his was. She ignored his slight glare before approaching closer and holding his hand out for the angel, who shook it pleased. "May I ask why you're here again?"

"Jungkook sent me a message before they arrived he'll be joining for dinner," Mrs Jeon told him before going somewhere else that the angel guessed to be the kitchen, "great work Bora, smells lovely!"

Jungkook walked up to Taehyung as he helped him balance when he took off his shoes. "Our maid, Bora, will be making the food since my parents doesn't know how," he explained, "we can just wait up in my room since it'll be some time till it's finished." He had grabbed his hand and dragged him with him up the stairs, and soon they were inside the room Taehyung had only seen from outside the window. It seemed bigger being in it than seeing it from outside. The walls had a pretty light beige colour, and the dark blue carpet on the floor was comfortable to walk on as it's surrounded his skin on his feet.

His eyes landed on the laptop Jungkook usually sat in front of, and it was surprisingly on, showing a long text filled with words.

The younger male spotted him glancing at it, and quickly ran up to it and turned off the screen. "You're writing?" Taehyung asked. When he was first given a chance to ask about it, he'd take it.

"No, it's just stupid," he said embarrassed.

"I think it's cool, and creative. I love reading, just writing isn't my strongest side," he said, trying to make the other male less embarrassed about it, "what do you write?"

"Just stupid stuff," he only said, disappointing Taehyung.

"Come on," he begged, "you can tell me."

Jungkook sighed as he sat on the chair to his laptop whilst Taehyung sat on the edge of the owner's bed. "I just like coming up with stories. I just write them down however I'd feel like it," he said shortly.

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