Chapter 14: Rebellious

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Jungkook couldn't help but to stare at the angel. "You - you love me?" he asked breathlessly, not believing what he thought he heard.

"Yes, I do. I thought at first the reason I felt such attraction towards you was because you're my human, but the closer I concentrated, the feelings and thoughts I have are exactly the same as when I read romantic books: it's the same as humans when they're in love."

"But," Jungkook hesitated, "but won't you be locked up in heaven for being rebellious?"

Taehyung smiled warmly at him. "Only if I'm caught. I'll just make sure I won't see any other angels around us."

Jungkook could finally let out the smile he tried to keep in, but now he was sure the angel was sincere. He loved him back. And so the younger attacked him with a kiss he couldn't resist anymore.

"I'm so happy," Jungkook squeaked out with a laughter he couldn't control.

"Me too Jungkookie," the angel smiled, receiving the loving kisses from the human. He was happy, but he couldn't help but to worry as well. He himself never knew what exactly happened to rebellious angels. Would it be more than just being locked up in a cell, like humans call prison? Angels had the reputation of being the nicest beings, but Taehyung knew otherwise: angels were slick, and hateful towards something different.

The boys were called down for dinner, and they ate the meal together once again. This time, it was Mrs Jeon whom had made the dinner with their maid guiding her through basically everything, so you could say it was the maid's recipe, but made by Mrs Jeon's hands. Jungkook considered not eating, but he gave her a chance, and ended up liking it more than he thought he would.

Of course Taehyung liked it: he liked everything, as it all basically tasted the same to him. Food was food.

"Do you like it?" Mrs Jeon asked with shining hopeful eyes.

"It's actually good," Jungkook approved, although he earned a light smack on the head.

"'Actually'?" Mrs Jeon asked sarcastically, "I'm a lady, I should made good food." She looked away from her son, now giving Taehyung the same hopeful eyes. "How about you Taehyungie?"

"Being a lady has nothing to do with making good food or not," he said, "it comes from experience, and love for the activity. Considering you never make food, making this high level of food is good for an amateur."

Mrs Jeon didn't react much as she couldn't tell if it was a compliment or not, and the angel received a weird from the younger male. "Mate, just say it's good to make her happy. No need to explain everything to confuse her."

Taehyung stared at him back. "But you always require explanations, or else you won't believe me the slightest, even how much I try."

Jungkook blushed as his mother laughed when she heard the angel say that, nodding approving of Jungkook's behaviour. Even Mr Jeon chuckled amused. "Shut up," he muttered, trying to ignore the male beside him, although he found it hard when he sat there, looking as beautiful as always. He even looked more beautiful when he knew how he felt, and how they could be together, although he had this weird feeling in his gut. It was just something that told him something he couldn't understand, and therefore simply just ignored it, hoping it was nothing and just him over thinking.

When Jungkook was full of food, the two males headed back up to his room, preparing for the night. Of course all the males actually did was to joke around, playing with each other. They ended up on the bed, the angel laying on the bed whilst Jungkook was on top of him. Their playful laughter faded, and they stared in each other's eyes, stealing glances of each other's lips.

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