Chapter 16: Accept your punishment

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They made their way towards the school about two weeks later, the males held hands with their fingers intertwined. They weren't afraid being seen by their schoolmates anymore as they had already told most people they were together. Hoseok and Yoongi were very supportive, and they even dated each other as well. But Yoongi seemed kind of off, which made Jungkook curious as he never actually looked kind of worried.

"Yoongi hyung, you alright?" he asked the slightly elder one. "Something's bothering you?"

Yoongi jumped at his sudden question, seeming troubled whether to tell the raven haired boy or not. "Ah, it's nothing, really."

"I can tell when you're acting off even if the others can't. Remember you've been my seatmate for some years now. You usually never acted like this before," he reassured him.

"I'll just sound stupid, and you'll laugh at me," he whispered, barely audible. It was so unlike Yoongi it made Jungkook worry even more.

"I won't laugh, I promise, and nothing you can say would make you sound stupid. Tell me, I'll try to help."

Yoongi still hesitated, but he sighed defeated. "It's just this funny feeling I've gotten a lot recently, actually since about three weeks ago. Remember how I used to like this boy named Park Jimin, but I don't really remember much of him?" Jungkook frowned slightly. He remembered Taehyung telling him he knew Park Jimin, whom actually was Yoongi's angel before, but they had a relationship similar to the two of them, and was taken up to heaven, and wiped Yoongi's memory. It made him even sadder watching the elder in front of him; he didn't want to end up like him, knowing he loved someone, but couldn't remember them.

"Yeah, I remember. You said he was the love of your life once," Jungkook said, placing his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Right," he nodded, "it's just that in the past weeks, I've suddenly felt like he's closer than he has been for years. Like he's really close, as in my presence."

Jungkook tried not to seem too surprised and overthinking. Was it because of Taehyung? He thought to himself. "And what makes you say that?" he just asked.

"It's just this familiar feeling. I suddenly think much more of him, like I remember a bit more than I used to. I don't even know why I can't even picture him in my head. If he's the love of my life, why can't I think of him like he's right in front of me? I don't have any image memory of him, and it's killing me."

Jungkook hesitated. "Can I ask you why you're dating Hoseok if this is bothering you so much?"

"He asked me out, and told me how much he fancied me," he admitted, "so I thought of giving him a chance. I've been lonely for quite some years, and I thought if I fell in love again, I'd forget about Jimin."

"Doesn't seem to work now," Jungkook commented, "since you seem so troubled and it looks like you're in another world sometimes."

Yoongi sighed again. "I know, and I feel sorry for being such an asshole."

"Hey," Jungkook caught his attention as he nudged him on the shoulder, "you're not an asshole. Assholes doesn't consider other people's' feelings, but you do. Just give yourself some time, and if you need time alone, I'm sure Hoseok will understand, and even wait for you."

Yoongi teared up, smiling at the younger. "I never thought talking to you would ever make me feel better before," he giggled slightly, "thanks Jungkook. You're a good friend, actually."

Jungkook chuckled. "I've changed a lot, haven't I?" he grinned proudly.

Yoongi nodded, chuckling along. "You have indeed. Is it because of your boyfriend?"

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