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Night time was Idris's favourite part of the day. He loved the darkness. It felt like a shield to him, like he could do whatever he wanted without the snarky remarks of others or the disappointing sighs from his mother.

He looked out the window in awe, the moon was high up in the sky and all he could see were the outlines of mountains in the distance. A wave of gratitude washed over him and for the first time today he felt peace.

His thoughts had quietened down, letting his mind rest.

"It's beautiful", Carson whispered, beside him looking out her window.

He whipped his head in her direction, forgetting he had company.

They'd been silent since they left the cafe. Fours hours of driving only stopping twice for toilet breaks and food but even then, not a word was uttered between them. Carson looked regretful and Idris prayed she wouldn't start a conversation. He was not in the mood for small talk.

Idris hummed in response not wanting to ruin the moment of opening his mouth.

He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact he let her come with him. He knew that look on her face. He felt the pain in her eyes and he knew he couldn't leave without her. He always wanted someone to help him, always begging his mother but when everyone ignored his plea's, he shut down completely. He was already too far gone but maybe, just maybe Carson had a chance.

Even if he couldn't help her, perhaps he could give her a new beginning?

He looked to his right, spotting a motel and flicked his indicator signalling to enter the parking lot to the old building. It's brown bricks looked almost black in the harsh lighting. Stairwells accended in different sections came into view. The motel itself looked creepy and untouched but Idris was tired and needed sleep if they were going to be on the road again tomorrow.

"Why are we turning in here? I have no money, my god I actually have no money or clothes on me and now I'm hundreds of miles away from home and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing", Carson panicked, her brown eyes wider than ever before.

Idris flinched at the amount of words she unleashed, "Relax, I'm tired and need sleep. I have money so don't worry about that. Wouldn't you like a shower?", he sighed, clasping his hands together.

"That's your money though, I can't spend that but a shower does sound nice", she huffed, shaking her head.

"It's not my money. Tomorrow morning I'll take you to a mall or something and you can buy a few things", he replied, already feeling exhausted with this conversation.

He hated talking to people for a long period of time and hated small talk although this wasn't small talk, it still required him to answer back.

"Wait what do you mean it's not your money?", She gaped.

Idris shrugged nonchalantly, "Step father's money."

Carson began to fiddle with her dirty grey shirt, bitting her lip nervously, Idris watched her impatiently, "Maybe take a few breaths or something, you're looking pale."

"Oh my god! I didn't think this through, I'm such an idiot. Who does this? No money or clothes. I mean it's just not ideal. My god are you going to force me to do things because you're paying for everything even though it's not your flipping money but I do love your car, what is it? Mustang? I'm pretty sure-", she stopped rambling once she realised Idris was out of the car with a smoke in his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up and get out of the car", he sighed, inhaling another puff of his smoke. She scrambled out, meeting him on the other side where he was standing.

"Your clothes are filthy so chuck them in the bin when you have a shower and I'll give you something of mine to wear for the night", he blew, flicking his cigarette to the ground before stomping on it with his converses.

He grabbed his duffel bag, slinging it over his broad shoulder before walking towards the motel reception part.

Carson not far behind him.

"Who are you?", Carson mumbled, keeping in step with his long strides.

"No one", He replied, sending her a side glance before entering the old building.

No one. He thought.

He was a no one.

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