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The stars were shining down on Idris and Carson as they both laid on the green grass.

The air was crisp and cool, the trees swaying to a song the wind played.

The clouds had disappeared from their earlier adventure and now all that was above them were millions and millions of stars.

It was one of the most amazing views.

"Holy shit", Idris blew, "I always used to climb up to the roof and lay there for hours just watching the stars back home but this is something else", he said, braking their silence. 

Carson took in a deep breath scanning the sky. They had drove around for hours trying to find the best place to settle down for the night. Idris wanted to go camping and sure enough Carson was thrilled about the idea.

"I used to go to the park and just lay there watching the stars, that was where I could be myself without anyone judging me", she sighed keeping her eyes on the twinkling stars above them.

Idris turned his head to the girl, taking in her features.

She was so fucking beautiful.

"What was your life like?", he blurted out resting his arm under his head.

She shifted, her body growing tense. Minutes of silence, Idris was going to apologise for stepping over the line but she opened her mouth first.

"Horrible, so fucking horrible. Half the time I was in survival mode, trying to push through", she shuddered, her voice full of pain.

"Once mom died, dad began drinking and then he started other stuff. That's when he saw mom in me, he kept saying I looked just like her and for some reason that made him angry, he would hit me, stomp on me. He'd do anything just to get the anger out", she whispered, closing her eyes tightly.

Idris felt his blood boil with rage. He understood her father was hurting but to take it out on her. His Carson made him want to rip the man in shreds.

"H-he manipulated, controlled my whole life, he would blackmail me, force me to do things I didn't want to do and when I said no or cried, he would hit me until I fell unconscious. I had no friends because of him, if I even talked to a boy it was another beating", she admitted opening her eyes to look over at Idris.

Idris had never in his life felt this fiercely protective over someone. He wanted to shield her, heal her open wounds and make it better.

Her face was pale under the moon, pulled into a deep frown as her eyes glistened with tears.

Her father deserved to rot in prison.

Reaching over Idris cupped her face gently wiping away the tears that had fallen down her cheeks.

There was nothing he could say to make her feel better or take away the pain so he wrapped his arms around her and held her so tightly she gripped onto him for dear life. Her body shaking under his as they latched onto each other.

"I'm free now, he can't find me right?", she mumbled into his chest.

He let out a sigh relief. That was true. She was free, she was okay right now and that's all that mattered to him. As long as she was here with him.

"Yes you're free, you're free", he repeated, "You are so fucking strong", Idris said making Carson only sob harder into his chest.

Idris felt his heart shift, opening up a tiny pocket for her. He might regret it but she was worth the risk. A risk to protect her and make sure she got the life she deserved.

He tightened his hold on her.

He meant every word when he said she was strong. She was one of the strongest people he'd ever met.

Minutes, hours ticked by as they both held each other, Idris murmuring sweet nothings into her ear as she relaxed into his arms. Silence consumed them as they both listened to each other's heartbeats and breathing.

"Y-you won't leave me right?", Carson hiccupped, staring up into his sea blue eyes.

Idris knew he shouldn't have answered or promised anything to her but he couldn't do it. He didn't want to hurt her so replied back, his heart aching once again as his stomach churned with dread.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise", he said softly trying to keep his emotions at bay.

He wanted to believe what he said to be true but he knew one of them would leave.

He knew she wouldn't need him, after all he was Idris Carter James...

Unlovable, bitter and a no one.

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