Chapter 2: Beating the Map

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Tyler awoke with a startled gasp, laying on his back in his bed.
He sat up, panting. What was he so worried about? Suddenly, he remembered that today was a very special day-the day that be had been chosen to test out he new Minecraft Adventure map, Herobrine's Mansion of Despair.
As he got up from his bed and reached for his glasses on his nightstand, he paused.
Hadn't he already gone to the mansion?
Why didn't he remember going inside?
He put on his glasses-his big, chunky, nerdy glasses, that may looked weird, but he liked them- and looked around, startled.
This was not his room.
It was a nice, large and open-spaced room, with a plain empty wooden desk with drawers and a wooden chair in one corner. The walls were bright, elegant red with a faint floral pattern, and the bed he had just aroused from was plain and white. There were two closed doors on the far wall.
On his nightstand next to the bed, where his glasses had mysteriously been placed, was a note on a plain white piece of paper.
He cautiously picked up the note, adjusted his glasses and read what was scribbled in quick writing;
"Welcome to Herobrine's Mansion: Despair.
Please head directly to the Dining Hall."
Below the note were directions to this 'Dining Hall.'
Tyler slowly crumpled the paper up and put it in his pocket, and went to the two doors. One door was closer up to him, since the wall jutted out there. He opened this door, to just find a plain bathroom. He closed the door and tried the second one, which was farther back.
Behind this door was a long shadowy hallway that went as far as he could see. He pulled the note out of his pocket and followed the directions scribbled down on the paper.
Tyler pushed open the large door that stood before him, the door the directions had lead him to.
When he opened it, he was taken aback by what was inside.
The Dining Room was a large, long, and high-roofed room with deep brown walls illuminated by flickering torches.
There were long tables on either side of the room, but the middle was empty for one to walk down. Past the tables was an open area with a stagelike area, with two large rectangles of iron blocks on the walls behind.
Gathered around the stage, were fifteen other minecrftians, all murmuring and chatting amongst themselves.
"Hey! There's another!" someone called from the crowd, as Tyler walked towards them, a guy with short dark brown hair, facial hair, and bright red shades called. He was dressed casually in black pants, and a black vest with a white undershirt.
"Did you wake up in a room, too?" a purple-cloaked guy asked with wide brown eyes.
"Yeah...what is this place?" Tyler asked.
"Well, we don't know, but we think this is Herobrine's Mansion of Despair," a guy in a batman costume explained.
"Herobrine's Mansion of Despair? I was supposed to go there today!" Tyler exclaimed.
"We all were," a blue fishlike creature in a suit explained. "Apparently all sixteen of us were to come here, and no one knew anyone else was coming."
"So, everyone's finally here!" a booming voice echoed around the room.
Suddenly, a man in a light blue tee and darker blue pants leapt out onto the stage from nowhere.
What startled Tyler was that the man's eyes were pure white.
"Welcome, to Herobrine's Mansion of Despair! Well, My Mansion of Despair," the man introduced in his booming voice.
"Sorry. That must hurt your ears," he said in a quieter voice that was still clearly audible.
"You're Herobrine?" a guy standing nearby Tyler with brown sidebangs and headphones asked.
"That's right!" Herobrine said. "And this is, indeed, my mansion!"
A guy with bright yellow-blonde hair stepped up. "Wait, is this the map? Where do we start, and how do we beat it?" he asked.
Herobrine laughed. "How do you beat it!" He mirrored with a chuckle. "It's simple. Actually, not really. Anyway, this is a special Adventure Map. You sixteen are very special minecraftians. Each of you has a special talent, a Super Minecraft Level talent, which is why I chose all of you to be here. You do not beat this map by completing epic, heroic quests, or destroying me. Anyone who tries to destroy me will suffer a painful death, by the way. The key to winning this map is much, much different."
"To beat the map, and escape Herobrine's Mansion of Despair, you must kill one of your peers and get away with it!"
There was shocked silence.
"W-what?" a melon-man in a floral-patterned shirt asked quietly.
"You heard me! To get out of here, you'll have to kill someone and not get caught," Herobrine repeated.
"This is some kind of joke, right?" someone from the back of the crowd asked bluntly.
Herobrine laughed. "Oh, oh you wish! But no. This is how it works; you will all live in this house together. Forever. Food will always be restocked, you will survive here. Unless someone doesn't want to spend their entire life here, and kills you. Or, if you don't want to spend your entire life here, so you kill someone! Basically, when someone commits a murder to one of their fellows here, and once the corpse is found, a certain amount of time will pass before we have a Household Trial."
"In the Household Trial, you will all debate over who dunnit. If you all can guess who the murderer was, then the murderer will be executed in a terrible, torturing way. But if you guess the wrong person as the murderer, you will ALL be executed, except for the real murderer, who gets to leave the Mansion!"
Everyone stared at Herobrine in silence.
"S-so, we can only leave this place by killing?" The blonde said quietly.
"Yep! And not getting found out," Herobrine confirmed.
"Do we have to k-kill now?" A guy in a blue spacesuit asked, looking around at everyone fearfully.
"Ahahah! Of course not. Murder them however you want, whenever you want. I don't care if you stuff an apple down their throat or drown them in the toilet, as long as you aren't caught!" Herobrine exclaimed.
"This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real..." a furry in a suit muttered to himself, kneeling to the floor and putting his paws over his head, shaking.
"Oh, but it is. I've explained the rules to all of you. You can rot here, or kill and escape...hopefully. Or, y'know, you could always BE killed yourselves! Ahahaha!" Herobrine laughed.
"Why are you doing this?! What kind of sick map are we living in?!" a guy with shades, short brown hair and a purple and yellow amulet exclaimed.
"Well, it is a mansion of Despair," Herobrine said with a chuckle. "Now, I fear it is time I must go. Good luck on your murders!" Herobrine said happily, and poof, he was gone.
Everyone was silent, in shock.
A guy with light brown hair and a black and red checkered hoodie walked over to the furry, who was still crouched down and shaking.
"Hey. Get up. It's alright," he said quietly. The furry looked up, his teeth clenched and his eyes wide with fear. "N-no it's not! We're all gonna d-die if we don't kill each other first!" he exclaimed painfully.
"Who said we had to kill each other?" A robot with with a red cloak pointed out, taking a step forward. "We could turn on each other, and kill to survive. Or we could work together, and cooperate to find a way out of here with our lives."
Everyone was silent.
"Y-yeah!" The blonde guy chimed in. "There must be a way out of this mansion! We all need to just work together. As a team!"
The furry slowly rose to his feet, still shaking and hugging himself. "B-but what if someone betrays us?" he asked quietly.
Checkered-hoodie guy looked around at everyone with a calm brown gaze. "Then they will not be cooperating. They will be picked out at the Household Trial, and...eliminated."
Once again, a deafening silence.
"Well! Why don't we get to know each other a little better? Then we can all go explore this house together!" Blonde exclaimed. "I'm Brice, Super Minecraft Level Artist!"
"J-Jerome, Super Minecraft Level Axeman," the furry introduced.
"Bashur, Super Minecraft Level Voice Actor," the Melon-man said.
"Mitch, Super Minecraft Level Archer," Checkered-hoodie said.
"Matt, Super Minecraft Level Speedrunner," the Robot said.
"I'm Seto, Super Minecraft Level Sorcerer," the purple cloaked guy introduced.
"Ryan, Super Minecraft Level Power Mover," Batman said.
"Tyler, Super Minecraft Level Actor," Tyler said.
"Adam, Super Minecraft Level Singer," The guy with the amulet introduced.
"Ty, Super Minecraft Level Parkourist," Headphones-guy said.
"Jordan, Super Minecraft Level Songwriter," the guy with red shades introduced.
"Quentin, Super Minecraft Level Swimmer," The fishlike creature said.
"Ian, Super Minecraft Level Baker," a guy that looked similar to Jordan, but with black shades said.
"Jason, Super Minecraft Level Astronomer," The spaceman said.
"Ant, Super Minecraft Level PvP," A guy with short black hair, facial hair and an amulet that looked like Adam's said.
"Bodil, Super Minecraft Level Builder," Someone with shades and a suit with an orange and yellow striped tie said.
"Well, why don't we go and explore the mansion now? See what we can find, and look for exits?" Ant suggested, and the sixteen minecraftians set off to explore Herobrine's Mansion of Despair.

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