Chapter 28: Flashback

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Bodil burst out laughing.
It was actually legitimately terrifying. Bodil's laugh was nothing like anything Tyler had ever heard before, and it was like he could feel himself going insane more and more as he heard that laugh, dragging him into a black hole of despair...
Similar to the way he often felt when Ty- the Ty they all thought they had known, who was apparently Bodil the whole time- spoke of hope and despair.
Hope and despair. What even were they? What even was this mansion? Tyler was extremely confused, and it felt like his brain was going to explode from all this new information.
The Ty they had all known in this mansion-the insane, creepy, mysterious, deceiving, and confusing Ty who spoke of Hope and Despair with an airy, light and quiet voice- was actually the loud, hysterical and maniacal mastermind, Bodil, who stood before them on the throne that once belonged to Herobrine before he went insane and was murdered before their eyes by Bodil.
And the Bodil they thought they had all known! The cheerful, spirited and kind Bodil that they had all known who had been brutally stabbed in the torso by Ant, who had cared for everyone's safety-was actually Ty. An honest, pure and responsible Ty. And Ty was actually Mr. Hope.
"I think I speak for everyone here," Brice said, glancing around the circle, "when I say that I am extremely confused, and have no idea what's going on."
Everyone muttered and nodded in agreement.
"Alright, lemme explain something to you imbeciles!" Bodil exclaimed, standing up straight with a menacing grin. "Two plus two equals four. Wood crafts a crafting bench. This entire time in this mansion, the Ty you knew and loved so dearly was me in disguise, and the Bodil you all knew and loved was actually the real Ty. Got it?"
Everyone stared at him.
Bodil's voice was very different- it had a strange accent that Tyler had never heard before. That must have been what that potion of voice altering had done- took away his accent.
"So...the real Ty, the ghost right here," Quentin said slowly, beckoning to the ghost Ty in the center of the circle (who was watching Quentin intently), "Was disguised as Bodil this whole time. The Bodil that was stabbed by Ant?"
Bodil and Ty both nodded.
"So then the insane Ty that always rambled about hope was Bodil, the mastermind?" Quentin continued.
Bodil and Ty nodded again. Bodil was grinning.
"So...what was the body of Ty in a batman suit? A decoy?"
Bodil chuckled. "That would be Real-Ty's body, of course. I took it out of the freezer, took the Me disguise off, put a batman suit over the dried blood and wounds, and hung him up like a nice decoration!"
"That would explain why he was so cold," Tyler realized. "And the woodchip I found in his hair...was that from Ant's makeshift stake?"
"Yep! Too bad you were all too dumb to figure it out yourselves!" Bodil chuckled. "It really wasn't that pleasant, dying and all," Ty commented.
"You remember dying?" Jason asked.
Ty nodded. "Of course."
"Tell us about it," Quentin said. "It might be able to help us."
"Okay," Ty agreed, and suddenly Tyler's vision went white.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Bodil's angry voice exclaimed, but it sounded distant.
When Ty's vision cleared, he was standing back in the hallway in the first floor of the mansion, by the bedroom doors. "Hello?" Tyler called, turning around.
"Don't worry, it's a flashback," Ty's voice said in his head, yet Tyler couldn't see him. "A ghost brought back from the dead by God can do more than just walk through walls, you know. Everyone's seeing this, just watch. It's...easier than explaining."
Tyler decided to shut up and just watch it. He heard footsteps behind him, and turned around to see Adam coming down the stairs to the second floor-wait, that wasn't Adam, Tyler realized. It was Ant wearing shades and a handkerchief to hide hide his goatee, with his hair worn differently to resemble Adam's.
Ant seemed to take no notice of Tyler and walked right past him. Tyler guessed no one could see him in the flashback.
Tyler watched in wonder as Ant pulled something out of his pocket-a key.
Holding a stake in one hand and a key in the other, Ant casually walked up to the door reading 'BODIL' and put the key in the door.
The knob easily turned, and the door unlocked.
Ant had a key?! Tyler thought in wonder. How?
Tyler curiously followed Ant into the room, and saw Bodil-well, this was actually Ty in disguise, but they had had known him as Bodil at the time- sit upright in bed. "Adam?" Bodil/Ty asked cautiously. He couldn't tell that it was Ant.
Ant said nothing- just closed the door slowly and walked up to Bodil (Tyler decided to just call him Bodil for now).
Panicking, Bodil jumped off his bed and reached for something under it- the knife he had been keeping, Tyler remembered, but Tyler saw Ant hesitantly raise his stake arm- and throw.
With a sickening chhk sound, the stake wedged itself deep into Bodil's stomach. Bodil let out a terrifying cry of pain, and stumbled to the side, and leaned against the wall, hunched over and shaking.
He looked up at Ant approaching in fright. "HELP!" he screamed, a thin trail of blood trickling out his mouth.
"The rooms...are soundproof," Ant told Bodil, taking deep breaths that made his shoulders rise and fall. He must be very nervous or stressed.
Ant suddenly charged at Bodil and slammed him against the wall. Bodil let out a wail that increased as Ant yanked the stake out. Ant pulled the sheet off of Bodil's bed and tucked it into his shirt collar as pink blood began to gush from the hole in Bodil's stomach. Any blood splatters got on the sheet.
Bodil tried to thrash and kick Ant, but Ant smoothly dodged and blocked Bodil's flailing. He raised the bloodied stake above his head and quickly stabbed it through Bodil again.
Bodil screamed in agony as more blood began to flow. He still tried to struggle, but Ant had him pinned with a strong, firm arm, and more of the struggling was now agonized twitching.
Ant took a shaky breath and swiftly stabbed Bodil again, who screamed once more, then started making choking sounds. Ant let go of him and he collapsed to his knees, beginning to cough up blood between painful wails.
Ant raised the stake, and repeatedly jabbed Bodil in the back while he was bent over coughing. Bodil yelped and collapsed to the floor, sprawled out as Ant stabbed him again and again. He let out a muffled scream at each stab.
Ant got up and threw the bloody sheet back onto the bed. He turned and left the room, taking deep breaths.
The floor and wall of Bodil's room was splattered in pink blood. Tyler watched as Bodil shakily got to his knees in an all-fours position. Between shaky and agonized gasps for air, Bodil crawled to the door and weakly pushed it open. He fell over from the effort and let out a mangled yelp of pain. Not even trying to get back up, Bodil put one hand out and began to drag himself forward, panting miserably with the effort. He outstretched the other hand and did the same.
Tyler watched in horror as Bodil, or Ty, really, slowly dragged himself down the halls between painful gasps for air. Eventually, he came to a stop, and his head and arms fell limply to the ground. Tyler thought for a moment he was dead, until Bodil shakily raised both arms. He put one arm to his chest, covering his hand in blood, and began to shakily write on the other arm in his own blood.
A...D...A...M... he slowly spelled on his arm. He slowly and painfully began to try and pull himself up, probably to get to a position where the message would be more readable, but he suddenly fell limp and his head fell to the floor. His arms slid out, and the ADAM on his arm was smeared.
Tyler's vision went white.
"That was terrible!" Ryan wailed, and Tyler blinked to find himself in the trial room once again.
"So you showed them your death?" Bodil asked, unamused. "Boo-hoo. So sad. Ant had it worse if you ask me. Eaten alive. Such despair!"
"How did Ant have a key?" Jerome asked. "He got into Bodil, or Ty, uh, I'm not sure who to call him- with a key."
"I gave it to him, of course," Bodil explained. Ty's eyes widened.
"You see, Ty and I both knew what was going on in the house-we remembered everything and all that. Ty thought we were doing it together, for Hope, to keep these houseguests safe. That is, until I had Herobrine bribe Ant. The Super Minecraft Level PVP seemed the most reliable person to kill Ty for me."
"Wait, Ant was bribed by you and Herobrine to kill me?!" Ty exclaimed, levitating slightly higher in aggression. Bodil chuckled. "I had Herobrine talk to him privately. He told Ant that he was the MVP of the house. Herobrine gave him a key to your room, and told Ant to kill you. He said that even if Ant was found guilty, he wouldn't die at his execution. He would fake Ant's death."
"Wait, that means Ant's alive?!" Jason exclaimed.
Bodil laughed. "No. Ant died at his execution. You saw him get ripped to pieces by zombies."
"You lied to Ant, then?" Tyler asked in disbelief. Bodil nodded with a grin.
"You sick, twisted monster!" Ty exploded. "Both my and Ant's deaths were pointless, then! We didn't have to die so painfully!"
Bodil giggled. "Funny, huh? You should be thankful that you weren't the first death. You were supposed to be, but then Ian had to go kill my other secret agent."
"You mean Jordan?" Brice asked, frowning. "Jordan was working for you?"
Bodil nodded. "Didn't really mean for him to die until later on. That night he died in the Enchanting room, he was busy trying to find the passage to the fourth floor that I told him about."
"Jordan, too?!" Ty exclaimed. "Was Ian working for you as well, then?!"
Bodil shrugged. "Nah, he was just doing his own thing. It is a mansion of mutual killing, after all."
"S-so how many people did you manipulate to do your dirty work?!" Ryan asked.
Bodil thought for a moment. "Jordan, Ty, Ant, Bash and Suiko, Matt, and Herobrine," He counted.
"That's a little over a quarter of all the houseguests, not including Herobrine!" Quentin said in shock.
"Haha, great, right?" Bodil chuckled.
"Why are you telling us all about this, and the crime?" Jerome asked Bodil. "Aren't we supposed to solve this mystery on our own or something?"
"Because, the rules have changed!" Bodil explained. "The original plan was for you to all execute Tyler, and have Tyler die and not screw everything up. Then you'd just either live here 'till you die or all die from being murdered. But, since he came back and Ty started screwing everything up and my accomplice went nuts and you ended up exposing me, we can forget about that trial, then, right? Suiko was killed by me, it was just to kill Tyler. Ha, isn't that ironic."
"We won't just forget about the people who died at your hands here!" Tyler exclaimed. "No matter who the culprit was for any of these trials, in the end it was you who made them do it. The casualties for the victims and the murderers were all at your hands."
"Yeah, yeah," Bodil yawned. "Anyway. Rule change. So I'm gonna keep my promise, alright?" Bodil addressed, folding his arms and suddenly becoming very serious. He fixed his sunglasses like he was pretending to be smart.
"So in this trial, we're going to do a little game. More like a test. A hope test. An ultimate hope test..."

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