Author's Note!

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Hello, everyone! Before I say anything, I cannot thank you ENOUGH for all the support on this series. It's gotten so popular that this book alone has sort of a mini-fandom! It's amazing!
Dangan Ronpa Minecraft has been my biggest project yet-I put my heart and soul into it. This book needed to be perfect. I read over every single chapter before posting it, and spent at least an hour or two on every death video.
I try to read as many comments as I can, and I think my favorite thing was when people had their own mini-trials in the comments whenever there was a murder. People actually were into the murders! They wanted to solve them for themselves, they read over the chapters to gather their own was great!! People started voting and commenting on the book less than a minute after I updated it! which I found unbelievable.
I was appalled at the popularity of this book. As I write this it has about 100,000 reads. 100k reads. That's unbelievable. Before this I wrote a freaking trilogy of crossovers and none of them even reached half that much, and those books were still amazingly popular.
So if you've been keeping up with this book since it started in April of 2014, thank you for being patient with my chapter updates. And if you're reading this long after this book has been finished, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! It really means a lot.
So what am I doing after this book? I'm not entirely sure. I think I'm going to continue and finish my other MCYT fanfiction, Coma Abridged, which I put on hold to work on this book. It's a parody of my friend xXBritMitXx's popular fanfiction Coma, and shoutout to her because you should check it out if non-shipping Minecraft Youtuber/Team Crafted fanfictions are your style! And after Coma Abridged? I have an idea for a fanfic in mind, but I can't really say that much about it until I can grasp the plot more.
Anyway, what else can I say? Thanks for all the support on this book. It's just unbelievable. I love every one of you guys. And please don't be sad about the end of this book! I am too. There's still more of it, in a book of extras I made for the book! It's got polls, art, short stories, and some more good stuff too that will surely make you despair.
...Too soon...?
Anyways, I'll leave it off on that note! Thank you all so much again, and stay tuned!

(P.S. as the author of the book, does that make me a mastermind, too?)

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