Chapter 3: The Enchanting Room

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As the minecraftians all split up (into small groups of at least three of course, they weren't stupid,) they explored the mansion that they would be trapped in forever. From what they could all find, they were only on the first floor of the mansion, since there were stairs that led up that had been barred, letting nobody get through. On this first floor was a hallway with all their bedrooms, each room having a plaque on the door with the name of whoever slept in there.
There was also the huge Dining Hall, where they had been summoned by Herobrine, and not too far away was a large kitchen, which would be restocked with food daily, according to Herobrine.
Besides that, there was another room that they found rather peculiar.
As walking down a hall near the bedrooms, two large stained glass windows were on one of the walls. One was depicting a swamp in a pond, with many different shades of blue and green glass. The other was depicting a clear blue sky with a yellow sun on the top half of the window, and a dark, starry night and moon on the bottom half.
There was some sort of bright light on the other side of the windows, casting beautiful rays of color onto the mansion hallway.
"Windows? I thought all windows were blocked," Jason asked.
"What's on the other side of the door?" Ant asked.
"One way to find out," Tyler said, and pushed open the door.
On the inside was a medium-sized room with two bright lamps in either corner, providing the light they had seen outside.
On all three walls except the one with the stained glass windows were stacks of bookshelves. In the middle of the room was an enchantment table and two big comfy-looking chairs.
"No escape here. Just another room," Quentin said disappointedly.
"They have enchantment tables here?" Seto asked interestedly.
"Yeah, I doubt they'd be any use though," Ant pointed out, but Seto had already walked up to the table and was looking at the levitating book.
"Wait...are you reading that?" Jason asked.
"Yep! Enchantment Books are written in Standard Gallactic," Seto explained.
"Is that a language?" Tyler asked.
"No, just an alphabetical code. Some letters are really similar to our alphabet, like the letter i resembling a colem, while the letter h looks a lot like a fancy capital T," Seto went on.
"Is there any useful information in there?" Ant asked.
"Hm...not really. Just stuff about enchantments and minecraft," Seto said disappointedly as he read on.
"Oh well," Quentin sighed. They had all hoped the room would be of some importance, but it was just another set in this twisted house...
"It is now ten O' clock!" Herobrine's voice boomed throughout the mansion.
"All houseguests should make their way to bed! Hope you survive the night...heheh!"
Everyone exchanged fearful glances and started heading to their halls. At least everyone knew more about this mansion, now.
When Tyler got into his room, he looked over at the door that led into the hallway.
"...Just to be safe..." he muttered to himself, grabbing the chair from his desk and putting it against the door, locking it too.
He walked over to his plain bed, taking off his glasses and putting them on his nightstand, and eventually fell into an uneasy sleep.
The next morning, Tyler walked into the Dining Hall, yawning, as some of his peers were already eating breakfast. As he walked past everyone to get to the kitchen, which was connected to the Dining Hall, he noticed something different. Jason wasn't wearing his helmet; he was still in the blue spacesuit, but under his helmet he looked like a normal guy; with short brown hair and blue eyes. "Hey Jason, why aren't you wearing your helmet?" Tyler asked.
"Apparently helmets aren't allowed to be worn in the mansion," Jason said, looking unhappy. "Ugh. Herobrine's got rules for this mansion, doesn't he?" Ant said disgustedly.
Tyler went into the kitchen and picked out a potato for himself. Coming back out, he saw more people had arrived, but were all chattering anxiously amongst themselves.
"What's wrong?" He asked, setting the potato down on the table.
"Jordan, Adam and Bash aren't here yet," Ty explained.
"...Maybe they just overslept?" He suggested hopefully.
"How about three of us go to check?" Tyler suggested.
"I'll go," Ty offered.
"Me, too," Seto offered.
The three left the Dining Hall and headed towards the bedrooms, knocking on Adam's door first (the bedrooms were in alphabetical order).
"Adam? Are you in there?" Ty asked cautiously.
"Five more minutes..." Adam's muffled voice called sleepily from the other side.
"Adam, get up!" Ty said louder.
"Wha...? Okay, okay, geez!" Adam called, and soon the door swung open. Adam's hair was all messy from sleep, and he was frowning. "What's wrong?" he asked with a yawn.
"You, Bash and Jordan hadn't shown up to breakfast and we were worried," Seto explained.
"Oh. It's breakfast already?" Adam asked.
"Yup. You should probably go down to the Dining Hall so everyone knows you're alright," Tyler advised. Adam nodded and headed down the hall.
Next, they knocked on Bashur's door.
"Gah! G-go away!" a voice high-pitched with fear called from inside.
"Bash, calm down, it's Tyler, Ty and Seto. We just came to call you for breakfast," Ty said slowly.
"...Alright..." Bash said cautiously, and slowly peeked his head out the door. When he saw the three of them standing there, unarmed, he instantly relaxed and came out. "Geez...this place is scary, man..." Bash sighed.
"We know...everyone's in the Dining Hall having breakfast," Seto told him. Bash nodded and took off towards the Dining Hall.
Lastly, they knocked on Jordan's room. "Jordan! You in there?" Tyler called. No response.
The three exchanged fearful looks.
"Jordan?" Tyler asked, knocking louder. He held his ear up to the door. Silence on the other side.
Ty turned the knob on the handle, and the door swung open.
"It's open..." Ty said.
"Can't these doors only be locked from the inside?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah..." Ty confirmed, and the three cautiously headed into Jordan's room.
His room looked exactly like Tyler's; red floral pattern walls, a bed, a desk, and a bathroom door.
Tyler walked over to the bathroom door and opened it slowly, but it was empty.
"Jordan?" Seto called from the front of the room. They checked everywhere, but the room was empty.
"W-where could he be?" Tyler asked fearfully.
"Maybe he already went down to the Dining Hall?" Ty suggested.
"We would have seen him," Seto said grimly, shaking his head.
"Maybe he's in that Enchantment Table room?" Tyler asked.
"Let's go check..." Seto said, and they rushed out of Jordan's room down to the enchanting room.
"This doesn't look good," Ty said nervously as they slowed, halting in front of the door.
The window to the left of the door, the swamp one, had a large jagged hole on the bottom. Seto slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. He looked around, but something that Ty and Tyler couldn't see from outside caught his eye, and he took a shaky step back, his mouth hanging slightly open and his eyes widening
in fear.
"Seto? What's wrong?" Ty demanded, as he and Tyler followed him inside. When they followed Seto's gaze, Ty jumped back and Tyler screamed.

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