Chapter 17: Invisible

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The silence after the flick of the light switch seemed to go on forever.
Then, Tyler found himself breaking the ringing silence. "Wh...what...?" Was all he managed to get out as he stared at the lifeless corpse.
Adam, the Super Minecraft Level Singer, was dead...?
Someone screamed.
"How...?!" Quentin exclaimed, his voice shaking.
"H-how long has he been in here?!" Brice shrieked.
"Ty's not here! He must've done this!" Ryan exclaimed angrily, his hands balled into fists.
Then, the familiar ding-dong-ding-dong that came right before the dreadful announcement blared through the mansion.
"A body has been discovered!" Herobrine's voice declared. "After a short amount of time for investigation, we will hold a class trial!"
"We...we need to get him out of there..." Tyler said quietly, his body numb with shock.
Jerome grimly walked over to the hot tub and grabbed Adam's body, pulling the head and arms out of the water, making the calm flat water ripple to life, and gently set it on the floor.
Water dripped down Adam's face and hair onto the floor, and Tyler kept staring at it in shock.
Adam hadn't been the smartest person around, but he was always enthusiastic and could always seem to find a way to cheer someone up. Now, he was lying dead on the floor in front of Tyler.
"Someone...someone just straight up drowned him, didn't they?!" Jason exclaimed angrily.
"I-It's even worse when there's no wounds on the body!" Bash whimpered.
"I think we all know who did this," Matt growled.
"Oh, I believe that would be me?"
Everyone parted out of the way to see Ty standing calmly in the doorway, calm and mellow as usual.
"Just in time!" Quentin growled.
Ty stepped inside, and glanced over at Adam. "Hm, so that's who the announcement was's quite a shame, really. Adam seemed to have a fair amount of hope. Hard to see him killing anybody, although it was half because he doubted himself. which I consider a mild act of despa-"
"Will you SHUT UP already?!" Jerome yelled. "WHO CARES about your hope and despair! Adam's DEAD! People are still killing! And you weren't even present! What do you have to say for yourself?! Did you kill Adam!?"
Ty looked up at Jerome, his smile gone but his calm expression still present. "I suppose no one would believe any lie I try to tell here. Haha, it's not like I could lie anyway, I can't lie to save my life, and you Super Minecrafters would see right past it, anyway..."
"Did you kill him or not?!" Ryan snarled, pointing to the dead body lying peacefully on the floor by the hot tub.
Ty went on. "I can only tell the truth here, anyway, so I will admit to you all that I was not here because I was busy exploring the fourth floor."
Everyone stared at Ty.
"So...YOU took the paper?!" Bash said accusingly.
Ty chuckled. "I didn't take the paper, because I didn't need the paper, Bash."
Tyler frowned. "Then do you were the one who had known about the fourth floor in the first place?!"
Ty nodded. "That's right! Your talent should be Super Minecraft Level...haha, I don't know the word for someone who catches on to things quickly."
"Then who's the one who knew about it that died?" Jason asked.
"I don't know, I am very sorry," Ty apologized. "They can't do anything now, however. Haha, because they're dead."
"Don't worry, Ty," Brice growled. "We'll start investigating, and we'll prove it was you. It has to be you!"
Ty smiled. "If that is what you believe. Be sure to look for clues, then. I will go search elsewhere; I can feel your tension anyway." And with that, Ty casually left the Lounge.
"I swear to god, I'd kill him if it weren't for our circumstances," Jerome growled.
"We need to investigate," Brice said determinedly. Everyone exchanged glances and nodded, then split up.
Tyler decided to investigate Adam's body, no matter how much it scared him.
Adam's body seemed to be in perfect condition; there were no visible wounds anywhere on his body. His face, bangs, and arms were wet from being face-down in the water, but the rest was dry.
Quentin knelt down near Tyler to investigate Adam's body, too.
"His upper body is hot," Quentin said, putting a hand on Adam's shoulder, "But his lower body's cold," he acknowledged, moving his hand to Adam's knee.
"That must've been from being in the hot tub, right?" Tyler asked.
Quentin nodded. "And by the looks of it...he was drowned, but his face says different."
"What do you mean?" Tyler asked.
Quentin pointed to Adam's face. "Well, look at him! He doesn't seem scared or upset or anything, but someone drowning would be in a clear state of panic, right?"
Tyler nodded, and hesitantly reached out, taking Adam's shades and pulling them off his face.
Seeing Adam's face was even more disturbing-but Tyler could see what Quentin was getting at. Adam's face was completely blank, and his eyes were closed. It looked exactly like he was sleeping.
"You're right..." Tyler muttered. He went to put Adam's shades back on, but paused when something caught his eye. "Hm? What's this?" He asked, turning the shades to the side.
On one of the ends of the arms of the glasses were two small white letters, "ST."
"ST?" Quentin asked. Tyler shrugged, and carefully put Adam's shades back on.
"Hey guys, I think I found something!" Ryan called, and everyone looked up.
Ryan was standing near the garbage can, holding up a glass bottle. There was a small amount of light blue liquid left in the bottle.
"Where was that?" Jason asked.
"In the bottom of the trash can," Ryan explained. "I learned from the last trial that you should check trash cans for clues."
"Then what's in that bottle?" Matt asked.
Ryan shrugged, and began to drink from the bottle.
"Oh god, don't drink it!" Bash exclaimed. "What if it's poison or something?"
"Well, there was only a little drop in there, anyway, so it probably wouldn't do much, right?" Ryan asked.
"Well, what'd it do?" Brice asked.
Ryan shrugged. "I don't feel anything."
Tyler stared at Ryan. Something seemed different now that he had drank the potion, but he didn't know what...
He stared until he realized that he could somewhat see what was behind Ryan.
"'re becoming a bit transparent," Tyler said.
"What?" Ryan exclaimed. He looked down. "Oh, cool! It's a potion of invisibility."
"An invisibility potion?" Quentin asked. "That means the culprit was using that. They could have been right under our noses and we wouldn't even know!"
Everyone exchanged fearful glasses.
"There's no potions anywhere I know," Brice said. "Does that mean the potions are...?"
"On the fourth floor?" Ty asked. "Yes, that is correct."
"Take us there, then!" Jerome demanded.
Ty smiled. "No."
"Um...why?" Bash asked.
"Because, I don't want to," Ty replied.
Jason glared at him. "What's up there that we're not supposed to see?"
Matt sighed. "Just let it go, we're not getting anywhere with this idiot."
Jason nodded solemnly, still glaring at Ty.
Jerome suddenly frowned, his nose twitching.
"Jerome, what's wrong?" Tyler asked.
"Something...smells off," Jerome replied, walking towards Adam's body.
Ryan sighed. "Jerome, it's a...dead body. Of course it's gonna smell off."
Jerome shook his head. "No, it's not the smell of death..."
Everyone watched in confusion as Jerome opened Adam's mouth.
"That's where it's coming from..."Jerome muttered.
"What is it?" Quentin asked.
Jerome stood up. "Adam smells slightly of poison. The scent was stronger when I opened his mouth. And there's blood in his mouth, too, like he was coughing it up. Adam was poisoned."
Everyone gasped.
"So the culprit must have gotten a potion if poison, too!" Brice exclaimed.
"Oh, god. This is bad. This is really bad," Jerome muttered fearfully.
"I'm gonna go search for clues somewhere else," Jason said, his voice shaking slightly.
"Me too," Brice added.
"And me!" Bash chimed in.
And soon, all the houseguests had gone to search elsewhere.
"Maybe AlterSorcerer could help us?" Jerome suggested as they headed down to the fourth floor.
"Yeah, maybe he saw something," Brice agreed.
"Who saw something?" Suiko asked.
"Oh great, it's you," Matt sighed.
"Yup!" Suiko said with a smirk. "No need to fear, your favorite fruity serial killer is here!"
Everyone groaned.
"Alright, let's split up," Ryan said. "Half of us go to AlterSorcerer, the other half check the Dining Hall, and Adam's room, if it's open."
Everyone nodded in agreement, and Tyler went with the group to the Dining Hall.
"Let's check Adam's room first," Tyler suggested, and pushed on the door.
The door creaked open.
"It's unlocked..." Quentin muttered.
"Is that good or bad...?" Brice asked.
Tyler took a step inside, and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place at all. The bed was made, the room clean.
"That's odd. Nothing's here," Jerome said.
"Maybe if we go through drawers and stuff?" Tyler suggested.
"Worth a shot," Brice said with a shrug.
They quickly checked Adam's room over, looking in the bathroom, under the bed, in the drawers, but nothing.
"The only thing that could be considered 'weird' here is...six pairs of shades in this drawer?" Brice said, pulling out a drawer in the nightstand.
Six pairs of sunglasses were lined up neatly next to each other. There was an empty space at the end of the row, as if another pair had once been there.
"Didn't Adam mention that he had a pair for every day of the week?" Quentin asked.
Tyler nodded. "Yeah, at Bodil's trial."
"Bu there's only six pairs," Jerome pointed out.
"Well, he's obviously wearing the seventh pair," Quentin said.
Besides the shades, there weren't any real clues in Adam's room, so they decided to try the Dining Room next. Tyler hoped there would be some clues leading towards the culprit this time, not just the crime.

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