Chapter 27: Ultimate Hope Test

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Ty looked around at everyone, with wide, insane eyes and a grin. "Ahahahaha, you guys are all shocked, huh? I tried to make it as suspenseful as possible!"
"You..." Mr. Hope muttered, his eyes wide. "I have to go," he then said quickly, and poof, he was gone.
"Yeah, THANKS!" Jerome called angrily to the air where Mr. Hope had just disappeared.
"Ty...the mastermind is you?!" Tyler exclaimed.
"What does it look like?" Ty asked Tyler with a smug smile.
Ty was dressed very differently from the last time Tyler had seen him (alive). He wasn't wearing his iconic black and green headset, which seemed to make his hair messier, and he was dressed in a peculiar suit that was half white, half black, just like the door on the fifth floor. He also wore a tie that was striped white and red. Altogether, this was the mastermind of the house. Ty, the Super Minecraft Level Parkourist. Or did he have a different title as the mastermind?
"This doesn't make sense," Quentin said in disbelief. "You were dead!" Ty chuckled. "Didn't that Mr. Hope tell you? I faked my death."
"Yeah, but we heard the body discovery announcement!" Brice protested.
Ty raised an eyebrow. "Did you?"
Tyler frowned. What was Ty getting at? The body discovery announcement automatically went off whenever they discovered a dead body...Right?
"Think about it! Where did you find me?" Ty asked everyone, fiddling with his tie in a bored fashion.
"In the same room as Suiko's body..." Tyler said. "Wait, there was only one announcement! Was that just for Suiko's body?"
Ty laughed. "Of course it was! If you had really found two dead bodies, it would have gone off twice."
"I knew there was something off about that," Quentin muttered, looking regretful for not saying something about it sooner.
"So, what do we do now?" Jason asked. "Is this trial to find out who just killed Suiko, then?"
Ty nodded. "Yep. That's all you have to do! But there's a twist to it this time."
"Uh oh," Ryan muttered.
Ty stood up in his chair. "If you all can correctly guess the culprit, then you all get to leave this mansion!"
Everyone gasped. "Seriously?" Jerome asked excitedly. "It's that easy?"
Quentin narrowed his eyes. "Too easy, if you ask me. What's your point in revealing yourself, then? Or when you're simply letting us go, when you wanted us all to fall to despair?"
Ty laughed. "I should have tried to kill you off instead of Tyler. You're too good. I wanted to reveal myself to put you all into shock! And for the despairingly awesome suspense, too! And you leaving the mansion? Why, I think I've toyed with you long enough! But mostly it's because you all get to die if you get it wrong! Isn't that great?"
"Oh god," Jason moaned. "That is not great."
"Great for me, idiot," Ty chuckled. "Shall the trial begin, then?"
"Do we really need a trial?" Quentin asked with a frown. "It's already obvious who did it. We don't even need to assume how."
Ty raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
Quentin looked around at everyone. "Who would have access to every room in this house, including Ryan's room, where they could knock Ryan out and steal one of his suits?"
Tyler blinked, realizing what Quentin was getting on to. "Yeah!" He agreed. "And who would know about the fifth floor to get the tape and arrows to kill Suiko?"
"Who would Herobrine try to cover up by tricking everyone into executing Tyler?" Quentin asked again. "It's already obvious. You, Ty, are the culprit."
Everyone turned to look at Ty, who rolled his eyes. "Wow. You guys are no fun. So if I did it, then explain to me how I did everything. Like, kidnapping Suiko and slashing him open in the most despairingly way possible."
"Okay, then," Quentin said, glaring at Ty. "First off, you must have gotten into Ryan's room with a key of some sort, as the mastermind of the house. You waited for him to return so you could knock him out, lock him in the closet and steal a suit."
"Then," Tyler continued, "You must have put the suit on, and went up to the third floor and locked Ryan in the closet, tying him up with more material from the attic, and went back down to the second floor, hung your cape up on the hook and pretended to be dead."
A big grin was beginning to spread on Ty's face. "Yeah? Go on!"
"Um..." Jerome said uncertainly, "Then, Bash must have seen you and turned into Suiko. Then he went to get everyone, but nobody came so he went back to you alone. Then, you must have pulled out a bow and arrow and shot him in the neck, right?"
"That would explain why he didn't look tortured, then!" Jason exclaimed. "He would have looked agonized if he had been alive while those cuts were made."
"Then you must have started cutting him with a knife or something and taped the dead body up to the door," Brice continued. "You locked the door while preparing his body, and that's when Tyler tried to unlock the door the first time. The second time, when we saw the blood coming out of the door, was when you must have been taping him up!"
Ty chuckled. "This is so despairingly exciting!"
"Stop using the word despairingly," Jerome grumbled.
"Wait, but there was no knife at the crime scene," Tyler told Brice. "And no one found a bloody knife anywhere, right?"
Everyone glanced around and shook their heads.
"Then what was the weapon used to cut Suiko?" Tyler asked.
"Mmm, yeah, how was that feat ever accomplished? Oh my," Ty sighed dramatically, giving off a strong 'really-deserves-to-be-punched-in-the-face' impulse on everyone.
"Maybe there were weapons already in the room?" Quentin suggested.
Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"
"The sword," Jerome said, realizing what Quentin meant. "The sword Mitch hid behind the painting. Nobody ever took it back."
"How would you know?" Brice asked, frowning.
"Um, I left it there," Jerome muttered. "I thought it should stay there."
"Not to kill anyone, I hope?" Tyler asked, raising his eyebrows.
"HOPE," Ty called.
"Of course not!" Jerome replied hotly. "It was kinda like a little...thing to remember Mitch by."
"Anyway, so then Ty must have used the sword to cut," Jason said quickly, trying to change the awkward subject.
"Yeah. Then all he had to do was wait for us to break down the door," Quentin said. "He probably taped Suiko up so that the body would sort of jump out when we finally opened the door. I don't think he expected those command blocks to come into play."
"Then was dressing in the batman suit just to confuse us?" Jason asked.
Tyler nodded. "I'm pretty sure. Just look at the crime; it all adds up. The 'double' murders, the way Suiko was killed, the word 'DESPAIR' written in blood on the walls, the blood smears on the walls, the way the body was set out to scare us? All of this was ultimately to just put us into despair. Something the mastermind would definitely do."
"But why about the blood smears?" Ryan asked. "If Suiko was just killed with the arrow, how was that blood smeared everywhere?"
"Maybe all the blood wasn't entirely his?" Jerome suggested.
"Yeah, because everyone just has spare blood lying around," Ryan agreed sarcastically.
"I think Jerome's onto something, though," Quentin said. "Was there any other living thing that could have been killed for extra blood?"
"The sheep!" Tyler exclaimed. "There were blood splatters by its pen, and it was gone. It must have been killed and had its blood used for the extra smears on the walls."
"I bet the whole purpose of that sheep was to help with Ty's plan all along!" Ryan exclaimed.
Ty laughed. "This is a reeeally good trial! Wow!"
"Then it all adds up, right?" Quentin said. "Ty is our culprit. He killed Suiko and faked his death to set us all into despair."
"What about his body, though?" Tyler interjected. "It was cold. And...lifeless. It was definitely dead."
"Well it was Ty, right?" Brice pointed out. "Does anyone else remember how Matt said Ty had been drinking some potion? I'm not good with potions, but maybe there was a potion that would make his body cold, or slow down his heartbeat to make him seem dead or something."
"That might be it," Ryan said, nodding.
"Then is everyone ready to vote?" Ty asked with a large grin.
"Why do you look so excited?" Quentin asked with a glare. "We're about to vote for you, so you're about to die."
"Haha! But think of the despair that comes with death! Wether it's happening to me or someone else, it's pure despair!" Ty exclaimed.
"You really are an insane freak," Jerome muttered in disgust.
"Then let's vote," Tyler said, just as a voice called out, "STOP!"
Everyone paused, even Ty, and looked around, but there was no one else to be seen.
"This has gone on long enough," Mr. Hope's voice rang out through the room. "Notch himself agrees with me. It's time I revealed my identity to everyone in this mansion, you sick, twisted freak!"
Ty glared at the ceiling, as Mr. Hope was invisible. "Ha. You're kidding, right? You're too late. They're already about to vote for the culprit."
"Am I?"
White mist began to form in the center of the circle that the sixteen desks stood in. Everyone watched in shock as the mist slowly began to form two ghostly, white feet. But it wasn't just a silhouette. It was an actual person's shoes.
The mist continued to go up, forming the translucent white ghost legs, an the torso, and the arms and neck...
Everyone was speechless as Mr. Hope was finally revealed. Tyler could nearly tell who it was by the body. That person was Mr. Hope?! Tyler thought in shock. Ty looked furious.
Finally, the mist had formed the face of the true Mr. Hope.
But he wasn't Mr.Hope anymore.
Mr. Hope's identity had been revealed. And his name was Ty.
"What?!" Brice exclaimed, eyes wide. "'re...?"
Tyler stared in shock. The ghost was definitely Ty. Regular Ty. White tee, gray pants, black shoes. headphones and sidebangs. He was standing tall and glaring determinedly at the other Ty who sat upon his mastermind throne, who looked enraged.
"Listen to me, everyone," The ghost-Ty said. "You have to believe me. I am the real Ty, the true Hope of this mansion. The mastermind you see is a fake. He's been pretending to be me this entire time, and I was pretending to be him. I was tricked, and killed a long time ago disguised as him. The dead body you saw wasn't him acting; it was my dead body with the disguise taken off. The announcement didn't go off because you had seen it before."
" you're saying that the mastermind Ty is a fake?!" Jason exclaimed.
Ghost-Ty nodded, gaze fixed on Mastermind-Ty. "Not just now. This entire time. From the start of this mansion. The insane Ty that you knew was him all along."
"Then who were you?!" Quentin asked.
"I'll tell you," Ghost-Ty said. "You wouldn't dare!" Mastermind Ty exclaimed angrily. "Either you reveal yourself, or I tell them myself!" Ghost-Ty hissed.
The two Ty's glared angrily at each other, like cats bristling before a fight. Finally, Mastermind Ty sat back in his chair and growled. "Fine. But I'm changing the rules, then."
"Huh?" Ghost Ty asked, eyes narrowing.
Mastermind Ty grinned. "You must obviously know by now-I was just trying to get everyone to vote Ty guilty, and since I'm not Ty, they would have lost. Now they would just vote for me, since they know I did it."
Mastermind Ty chuckled. "Haha! So to win this time, you're all gonna have to do the ULTIMATE HOPE TEST! Now if you'll excuse me..." He trailed off, and pulled a small glass vial out of his pocket. The liquid was a metallic, yellow-orangey color.
"Voice changer," he explained. "This is the antidote." He popped it open and drank, then began laughing like a maniac. His voice became horribly distorted, going up and down octaves, getting louder and softer, getting cut off at some points. Tyler had a feeling you weren't supposed to speak while the potion undid itself, but Mastermind Ty obviously didn't care.
Finally, Mastermind Ty stopped laughing with a happy sigh. With a devilish grin, he threw off his hair, which Tyler realized had been a wig, seeing an entirely different head of hair underneath, and pulled a pair of shades from his pocket, flicking them open and putting them over his wide, insane eyes.
"This time, let's really get this thing started!" The mastermind exclaimed, in a voice Tyler had never heard before. But that didn't matter, because Tyler was in utter shock.
The true mastermind of this mansion wasn't Ty after all.
It was Bodil.

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