Chapter 9: Awakening

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Darkness...just boring darkness everywhere...Tyler was asleep, but he wasn't at the same time...he felt like he was asleep, but he could feel himself drifting through nothingness.
Am I...dead? He wondered. He recalled what had happened just before he had blacked out; he had heard footsteps behind him, and then something-or someone-hit him hard on the head. Could someone really have murdered him?
Tyler began to panic. What is this place? Was I killed? Where do I go?!
He suddenly saw a faint light ahead. He eagerly headed towards it, but when he got there all he could see beyond the light was the silhouette of someone he couldn't recognize since it was so bright.
"Don't lose hope," their voice echoed through the empty place. "Keep on fighting. Only those with strongest hope will survive."
"W-what?" Tyler called, but the light was already fading away, and as the darkness came closer, he began to lose consciousness as well.
Tyler gasped and shot up in bed.
His head instantly hurt him, and he put a hand up to it, groaning. His hand touched something soft, and as he felt around he realized there was a bandage wrapped around his whole head.
Looking around, he saw he his room. Now, how did he get here?
Everything was so confusing lately...why wasn't he dead? Something had probably attacked him, and something had surely spoke to him, rambling on about hope, and something had definitely tended to his wounds...why else would there be a giant bandage wrapped on his forehead?
He slowly got out of bed, and found his glasses right on his nightstand, as usual. After a few wobbly steps, he regained his balance, and headed out the door.
Outside, the hallway was empty. He looked around, but no one was there; everything was silent.
This is really weird...Tyler thought anxiously to himself. He decided maybe he should head down to the Dining Hall; there had to be someone there, right?
He headed down the hall to the room as quickly as he could-he still couldn't run without getting rather dizzy.
Finally, he turned to look into the Dining Hall and was surprised at what he saw.
It was empty, except for one single person looking around.
"Ryan? What are you doing down here?" Tyler asked, walking up to him.
"Ah! Don't scare me like that..." Ryan complained, turning around to face Tyler.
"Wait...Tyler?! You're awake?" Ryan asked, his eyes widening.
"Um, yeah, I just woke up a couple minutes ago...the last thing I remembered was someone hitting me hard on the head with something, then I woke up in my bed," Tyler explained.
"Oh god, it was so scary when we found you," Ryan sighed. "Adam and Quentin had gone up the stairs to investigate the third floor some more, like if there were any more of those videos, and as they passed the second floor they saw you lying on the floor with a big wound in your head. Anyone who looked at you would first think you were dead, so Adam and Quentin panicked and ran back down to gather the rest of us. But when the body discovery announcement didn't go off, we realized you were alive!"
Tyler blinked. "Who...who did it?" he asked. The fact he had almost died was shocking.
Ryan shook his head helplessly. "I don't know, sadly we can't do anything about it, since you'd need to die for us to have a Trial, and I don't think you'd want that."
"How long was I out?" Tyler asked.
"Hmm...not too long. Ten to twelve hours at the most," Ryan replied.
"Oh, and by the way, where is everyone?" Tyler asked. Ryan's face went pale. "Oh, um...they're all upstairs, investigating," he relied quietly.

"Investigating?" Tyler asked. "But that means...oh god," he groaned with sudden realization. 

"I...I wanted to investigate down here..."Ryan admitted. "Everyone else is probably investigating the second and third floors."
"Where...where's the body?" Tyler asked shakily. "Second floor, study room..."Ryan sighed. "The body discovery announcement went off like ten minutes ago."
"T-thanks," Tyler said, and took off.
He couldn't believe it had happened again...did someone really want to know the mystery of those videos so much?
On the second floor, in the Living Room, was Bash, Matt and Mitch.
"Tyler! You're awake?" Matt exclaimed, looking over at him from where he and Bash were investigating the fireplace.
"Yeah..." Tyler said.
"I'm glad you're alive," Mitch remarked from where he was leaning against the large wall painting, arms crossed.
" Ryan tell you about...?" Bash asked hesitantly.
"Yeah..." Tyler replied, and passed them hurriedly to go down the hallway.
The door to the study room was closed, and voices could be heard on the other side; obviously people investigating.
Tyler remembered the study room was a small room with a large, wooden writing desk and a couple bookshelves. He took a deep breath and braced himself and pushed the door open.

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