Chapter 23: Blood

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Ding Dong Ding Dong.
"A body has been discovered!" Herobrine's voice rang throughout the mansion.
"After a short investigation time, we will hold a class trial!"
"Hmm," Quentin said, narrowing his eyes and looking around the room.
"There really was a dead body with a batman suit in here!" Jason exclaimed. "W-well it's not me!" Ryan said shakily. "Tyler, you never told us there were two bodies!" Brice pointed out. "B-Bash is dead too!"
Tyler shook his head helplessly. "When I can here before, I only saw the batman suit. Bash was never here!" "That's not Bash," Quentin pointed out. "Look at the glasses. That's Suiko."
"But I just saw Suiko half an hour ago!" Tyler protested.
"Well, he's...dead now," Quentin sighed. "He came to all of us, remember? We all saw him half an hour ago."
"This...this is terrible," Jerome said in disgust, walking up to Suiko's corpse, careful not to step in the large pool of blood. There were still stains on Jerome's shoes from when he had stepped in it from the other side before.
"He's cut and slashed all over..." Ryan said. "Who'd do this?! And this was recent!"
Jason nodded. "Remember, before the blood was still flowing out of the door. It's pretty much stopped now, b-but it still looks wet..."
"The blood reeks, too..." Jerome added, scrunching his nose.
"Wait!" Tyler called as everyone began to split up or start investigating the body.
"If...If Ryan's alive, then who's that?!" He beckoned to the batman suit corpse.
"It can't be a person...We're all here, right?" Brice asked, frowning. "Is anyone missing?" He stopped, his eyes widening. "No way..."
Quentin cautiously walked up to the body, looking both curious and bewildered, and removed the batman mask.
Everyone gasped, and Quentin even dropped the mask in surprise.
The person under the batman suit was Ty.
"What...what what what what what what?" Ryan stuttered.
Out of all the people to die in this house, Tyler thought Ty seemed the least likely.
He stared at Ty in shocked silence. Ty wasn't wearing his headphones-obviously, since he had been under the batman mask-and his hair was slightly messy, probably from the mask too. His eyes were closed and he was frowning slightly-similar to the final expressions of Bodil and Seto. Tyler half expected Ty to blink open his eyes any second and laugh at them all, saying this was another 'hope test', but he knew that wouldn't happen. Ty was dead. Bashur and Suiko were dead. This wasn't just some silly test, there was even a body announcement.
"Why was Ty in a batman suit?!" Quentin exclaimed. Even he seemed shocked about this discovery.
"Could he have taken one of my extra suits?" Ryan asked, still shaken. "I mean, there was obviously someone in my room who knocked me out, they could have taken it from my closet..."
"This all makes no sense...let's just investigate and get our facts straight, so my brain doesn't explode," Jerome said in blunt shock. Everyone nodded, relieved to have a clear objective in all this chaos, and split up. Some houseguests were eager to leave the second floor (which they had to leave through the Study Room command blocks, obviously), which was reeking of blood, and soon to reek of death, while others decided to stay and investigate the bodies, including Tyler. The only houseguests left in the second floor were him, Quentin and Jerome.
"You should be happy," Quentin muttered to Tyler. "The two people who have tried to murder you in the past, dead right here in front of us."
"I'm never happy when anyone dies," Tyler replied simply. Quentin nodded, and went to inspect Bash's body with Jerome. Tyler personally wanted to investigate Ty's body.
It was still bewildering, that two people had died, and they were Ty and Suiko.
Tyler cautiously touched Ty's shoulder, just to confirm that Ty was really dead.
Ty was cold...very cold, actually. He must have died a while ago.
The last time Tyler had seen Ty was around breakfast this morning...which was only about an hour ago, actually.
Tyler did a quick check of the rest of Ty's body. His neck was bent at an odd angle, obviously broken. His hair was somewhat messy, and there were no visible wounds or blood on Ty's body.
Besides that, there wasn't that much detail on the body. From the looks of it, Ty's neck had been snapped, and the living room painting was taken off its hook. Ty's dead body, in the batman suit for some reason, was then hung up on the hook by the cape.
Either Ty was wearing the suit when he died for some reason, Tyler thought, Or the culprit put it on him after he killed Ty.
Doing one last scan of Ty's body, something in Ty's hair caught Tyler's eye. Tyler carefully picked it out and investigated it.
This looks like...a woodchip? Tyler wondered. A small splinter of wood, what was that doing in Ty's hair?
Maybe it was just in the mask he was wearing, Tyler thought, pushing the thought aside for now and putting the woodchip in his pocket.
Tyler then walked over to investigate Suiko, as Jerome and Quentin were pretty much done.
"What'd you find?" Jerome asked Tyler.
"Well, the body's cold," Tyler started, "There isn't really any visible wounds, and there was a woodchip in his hair."
"A woodchip?" Quentin echoed. Tyler nodded.
"Hm. You can take a look at Suiko, I wanna investigate Ty," Quentin said, heading over to the other body. Jerome followed.
Tyler stopped in front of Suiko's body. This truly was horrible- it looked as if Suiko had been tortured. But why? Why was all this bloodshed necessary? The message and the blood smears on the walls, the blood pool forming even on the other side of the much blood.
Not only that. Suiko had been taped up to the wall, as if on display like Ty. Taped up between the door and the wall, to make sure no one got in, even if the door was locked.
Tyler shook his head and sighed. What really got to him was that someone amongst them had done this. He tried to deny the fact every time, but someone always ended up being guilty.
Ian had seemed like a pretty mellow guy, even if Tyler never got to know him well.
Ant usually seemed calm and collected, no one would have thought he would brutally stab Bodil.
Mitch had basically lost his mind to the point where he enjoyed killing Seto.
And Matt had been talked into poisoning Adam by Ty.
Tyler looked up and down Suiko's body confusedly. A lot of things weren't right here. First where did the culprit find tape and an arrow? The arrow looked like it had been shot, too, there must have been a bow...
Tyler looked up at Suiko's face. Why didn't he look tortured, in agony? He looked confused, and angry. But no, not in any sort of major pain.
"Hey, Tyler."
Tyler glanced over his shoulder to where Quentin was bent down by Ty's body. "Come look at this."
Tyler cautiously walked over to Quentin, who was casually poking around Ty's face, opening his eyes and mouth and turning his head to the side.
"Did you see this?" Quentin asked, and opened Ty's mouth. Tyler blinked in surprise-there was some dried blood in Ty's mouth.
"Maybe this wasn't a clean murder after all," Quentin suggested.
"Was he poisoned like Adam?" Jerome asked. Quentin shook his head. "The blood probably wouldn't have been this dry if that was it."
"Then why is the blood dry?" Tyler asked.
Quentin shrugged. "We can discuss it at the Trial."
"I found something interesting too," Jerome added. "It could be our murder weapon, actually."
He toppled the painting leaning against the wall over with his foot, and a stone sword that was behind it landed on the floor with a klunk.
"Isn't that the sword Mitch used?!" Tyler exclaimed. Jerome nodded. "There's wet blood on it, too."
Tyler took a closer look. The blood on it was definitely new.
"Who do you think that was used on?" Jerome asked. Tyler looked over at the slashed-up body of Suiko just as Herobrine made his announcement.
"That's enough investigating time!" He declared. "Everyone must make their way to the elevator for our fifth class trial!"

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