Chapter 12: Sword

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Ryan's eyes widened. "'re saying that you didn't kill Seto?!"
Ty nodded with a sad smile. "I'm sorry. I really wish I did know. If it was me, or Suiko, or Bash, I would gladly reveal it to you all to help!"
Suiko glared at Ty. "You'd give me away if I did it?! How inconsiderate!!!"
Tyler blinked. "If you were the culprit, Ty, you'd give yourself away?!"
Ty nodded. "Anything to help you all and your wonderful hope get another step forward!"
Quentin stared at Ty in bewilderment. "You''re just straight up insane. You should at least be valuing your life! And stop talking about this stupid hope and despair crap, because we're not taking it. You were the true mastermind behind Tyler's attack, and you know it! You're even crazier than Suiko!"
Ty laughed calmly, setting Quentin off even more. "If you believe I am talking crap, then so be it. But I wouldn't mind dying for everyone, so as long as they flourish in hope."
Quentin looked away with an angry snort of disgust.
" then who could have killed Seto?" Brice asked.
"We should just start from scratch," Tyler replied. "We've solved our first mystery, but we need to focus on the second right now. Let's just try and find a culprit, and if it leads to Ty or Suiko, then they can be punished like any culprit."
Adam nodded. "Let's just forget this...for now. My brain hurts thinking about that mess, even if it's over...sorta."
Mitch frowned. "So, what evidence was there for Seto's murder?"
"Hm...there's the bloody rag, unless it was used in Tyler's attcack?" Jason pondered, glancing at Ty.
Ty chuckled. "That rag wasn't part of anything I know of."
Quentin nodded. "The rag was obviously used to clean blood from somewhere. On top of that, whoever used it was trying hard to hide the evidence. Not only did they bury it at the bottom of the trash can, good thing I looked, but they also didn't just flush it down the toilet-probably so that no one would hear the noise if anyone was nearby."
"Was it definitely used in the murder?" Brice wondered.
"If it wasn't the culprit trying to hide evidence, then why would someone try so hard to hide it?" Matt asked. Brice nodded thoughtfully. "True."
"Then what was blood cleaned off of?" Mitch asked. "Nothing in the room looked slightly smeared or stained with blood-the rag wasn't a high-tech cleaning product, there would surely be some kind of remnant of blood."
"Maybe someone could have been using it to clean off a weapon?" Jason asked.
"Clean the rightfully gained blood off your weapon? Why would anyone do that?!" Suiko exclaimed, outraged.
"To hide their evidence, idiot!" Ryan growled.
"Maybe...but Seto's knife is still covered in blood, right?" Ty asked thoughtfully.
Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Yeah...then again, who said the knife was definitely the weapon?"
Suiko laughed. "Ooh, was someone hiding it? Hiding their weapon? Wimp!"
"Shut up!" Adam growled.
"Where could someone have found a weapon other than a knife? It was definitely something with a blade, by the looks of the wound..." Brice wondered.
"Another kitchen knife?" Ryan suggested.
"Maybe they just used Seto's knife," Adam said.
"But they were so keen on hiding the rag, wouldn't they try to hide the knife too? And it would be hard to just take Seto's knife from him," Tyler pointed out.
"So then what was the weapon?" Mitch asked.
"MMMMMM," Suiko hummed meaningfully. Quentin glared over at him. "What?"
"MMM MMMM," Suiko hummed angrily. Brice rolled his eyes. "When Adam told you to shut up, he didn't mean it literally, you know that!"
Suiko laughed. "Hahahahaha! Just having fun. Lightening the mood of the trial, eh?" He glanced eagerly around at the glaring faces fixed on him. "Eh? Eh? Ah, whatever. Anyways, I have some nice info for ya that could be of service! Hehe!"
Quentin narrowed his eyes. "It better be important."
Suiko nodded. "You better believe it, fish! Well, when I was going through the closet, looking for something to bash with, I came across a fine sword in a chest! A stone one!"
Jerome tilted his head with a confused expression. "Why didn't you take it? It was an easy weapon to kill with."
Ty chuckled. "Ah, Jerome, I believe Suiko made it clear before; he is a basher, not a slasher. He doesn't like using swords and blades."
"You stay out of it!" Jerome growled.
Jason frowned. "But there was no sword there when Tyler and I checked later on."
Suiko snickered. "Exactly! It was mysteriously gone! Hmm, how could that have happened?"
"There was an empty chest in the closet," Tyler pointed out. "And it was clean, which meant someone had probably gone through it."
Matt's eyes widened. "So someone took a sword from the closet, and killed Seto with it?!"
Adam nodded. "That seems about right."
"But, how had someone known there was a sword there...or, at least, known to check the closet?" Brice asked.
Quentin frowned. "Hmm...well, Suiko saw the sword when he was in the closet, and that was before Tyler was attacked. So, it was most likely after Tyler was attacked that the culprit found the sword."
"How would they know about the sword?" Mitch asked thoughtfully.
"Hm...they must have seen it in the closet," Matt assumed.
"When could they have seen it?" Jerome asked.
Tyler thought for a second. He tried to remember back to when he had been in the closet before he had been attacked...
"What's in these chests?" Jason asked, stepping inside and opening the nearest chest eagerly. "Ugh, it's all useless stuff, like dyes and seeds," he said disappointingly, holding up some of the contents for everyone to see.
"Yup," Mitch confirmed, opening another chest. "It's all just these useless stuff, the kind of stuff you always forget to throw away."
"Oh, well," Ryan sighed. "There's one more room on this hallway, right?"
"Yeah, let's go," Seto said, and everyone headed down the hallway to the last door.
That's right...only Jason and Mitch had checked the chests...
However, they had both found only useless materials. Had the culprit just checked the closet later when no one was looking? But then again, they'd need to know a weapon was there to check.
Tyler's eyes widened with realization. There something suspicious here...
"I think I have an idea," Tyler announced. Everyone looked at him.
"Let's hear it, Tyler. You're always very good in trials. I admire your hope," Ty said. Tyler ignored Ty, still upset about the whole 'Ty had tried to kill him' thing.
"The culprit must have checked the chests when we were exploring the closets for the first time!" Tyler explained.
Adam frowned. "Hm...that was Jason and Mitch, right? But they both found useless crap. No weapon."
Tyler nodded. "That's right. But try to remember...Jason checked a chest first. He announced that there were only dyes and other useless materials in the chest, and held some up to show us."
Jason nodded. "That chest really was dusty. Wish I had my helmet then..."
Tyler went on. "Mitch walked over to the chest to examine it. He confirmed what Jason said; that there wasn't anything useful in the chests."
Brice blinked. "Yeah, I remember. So, what's your point?"
Tyler looked around the group. "Mitch never held up any of the items in the chest to show us what was inside. For all we know, he was bluffing. He could have been staring at a brand new stone sword inside, and we wouldn't have noticed!"
Jerome growled, tense. "Mitch wouldn't lie!"
Ryan nodded slowly to Tyler's words. "That's right...I remember now. Mitch, Tyler's right," he pointed out, glancing uncertainly at Mitch.
Mitch frowned in annoyance. "I didn't think I'd needed to. Everything was dusty, and I didn't want to touch it. I thought Jason's proof was enough."
"AHAHAHA!! Everyone's looking at Mitch now!!!" Suiko exclaimed. Mitch went on. "I mean, there's no real proof a sword was even there. You're actually just taking a phsyco watermelon killer's word for it."
"A phsyco watermelon killer? 'Daw, you're too kind!" Suiko gushed.
"Okay, seriously, shut your trap unless you have some vital information," Adam growled.
Jason nodded. "You're right, Mitch...there's no proof there was a sword there, besides Suiko's words...which aren't exactly reliable."
Tyler frowned, thinking again. There had to be some other way to pick out a culprit...right?
"Hm...Let's say that there really is a sword. For argument's sake," Ty spoke up. "There was no sword found at the investigation, if I'm correct. That doesn't mean that there was no sword."
Brice tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
Ty half-smiled. "The culprit could have just hidden it."
Ryan frowned. "Where would they have hidden it? Pretty sure we searched about everywhere."
Matt looked thoughtful. "Maybe...maybe they took the job of searching the area they hid it in, so no one else would bother to check there?"
Adam nodded. "Was anyone acting weird or suspicious during the investigation?"
Tyler asked himself the same question. He tried to remember where everyone had been during the investigation. Most people had been in the Study Room when he had first gotten there...
"What if...could Tyler have done it?"Jerome asked hesitantly. "I mean...he wasn't there for half the investigation."
Tyler's eyes widened. Who didn't hate being accused? "No...that's not true! I never checked anything in the closet while we explored together, and I was unconscious for most of the time from when we saw the third floor to when we found Seto's body."
Quentin frowned. "Yeah...but you said you had been attacked because you were in the living room, right? You could have checked the closets before you went down there."
"I think Suiko and I would have seen Tyler, then," Ty pointed out.
"Would have seen him, didn't see him!" Suiko confirmed.
Ryan nodded. "Yeah, and I saw Tyler downstairs too. That's three witnesses in his defense; I don't think he could have done it."
"True...sorry then, Tyler," Jerome apologized sheepishly.
Not all of the dots have been connected yet, Tyler thought. Can we really determine the culprit here?

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