part 1

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Part 1

In Mehera mansion:
Aliya are shouting in hall - yes pragya you rock...
That time Abhi enter in hall & he murmurs "if your enemies are in your house, then why you want outsiders"
Abhi- if your celebration is over then plz give some peace here...
Aliya-  bhai don't feel low yaar, see for me 2 person’s most important, of course 1st you then my best friend Pragya Arora..
Abhi making faces- my biggest enemy...
Aliya- Bhai she is not worse that much you think..
Abhi smiling shapely- Yaa I m the worsen Bhai, what's her problem yaar, when she was being your best friend, that day she was being my competitor, why she competed with me, she get peace in her life, when I lose my patience...
Aliya- Bhai on what you are anger most, she won the award Yaa she is my best friend...
In same time Bulbul come with kulfi by calling Aliya’s name.
Bulbul- yes pragya won the award.
Aliya slap forehead & murmurs- here I am claim down Bhai, & Bulbul Di...
Abhi- go your friend & my one more enemy came here… with irritated tone..
Bulbul full excitement- congress Aliya pragya won the award, you know I was voted her 100 times, and every time I make new I'd for that, she said
all these & saw Abhi is seating on his favorite chair & she shut her mouth...
Bulbul changes the topic- Abhi how are you...
Abhi- I m fine, your celebration carry on & he went to his room...
Bulbul- sorry Abhi.
Abhi- no its ok, may be my singing have more rehearsals..
Bulbul- Abhi why are you saying like these..
Abhi- Purab just told your wife, I m so much anger, & I don't want to talk with anyone… & he leaves from there...
Bulbul- Purab baby i am sorry..
Aliya- me too bhai...
Purab- it's OK, but he is not anger on you, he anger on Pragya...
Bulbul & Aliya both said in one tone- why?
Purab narrate all the conov between Abhi & pragya to both them.
Purab- don't understand, what their boths problem, why they both competed with each other, why they humiliate each other.. whenever they came Infront of each other, they started taunting to each other...
Bulbul- that is called “JEALOUSY”...
Aliya- jealousy? What's the reason...
Purab looked at her confused.
Bulbul-  the reason is "Aliya
Aliya shocking- me, how?
Bulbul- Pragya's best friend Aliya & Abhi’s baccha Aliya, most important, his weak point...
Purab & Aliya- then?
Bulbul- when Pragya came in Aliya’s life, Pragya become Aliya's best friend, & Aliya started shared her all secret with her, & you know very well that Abhi so much possissive towards family& his songs too..
Aliya- then??
Bulbul- so Abhi thinks that Pragya came between you and him (Abhi & Aliya), that the reason he thinks that Pragya is enemy of him...
Purab- every action have an opposite reaction...
Bulbul- Purab what are you saying.. little irritated tone..
Purab- Abhi behave with her like these that's why she react like these..
Aliya- Purab bhai you stop di plz you continue..
Bulbul- before Pragya came into your life you share everything with who?
Aliya- ofcourse bhai..
Purab & Bulbul- and now?
Aliya- ohhh my god! Di that's why Bhai behave.. but I shared with her coz she is a girl not a boy, girls have some privacy talk, we can't shared with any boy..
Purab- this things I can understand, you can, even she can (point towards Bulbul), but what about your Bhai..
Aliya- and I thought that Pragya is competitor of Bhai that's why he hates her...
Bulbul- now you understand..
Aliya- Yaa but what to do now..
Purab- we can't do anything, other wise our time will be waste...
Aakash came from behind- Can I say one thing, from my Small mouth one big thing..
Purab- Yaa say..
Aaksh- they both perfect as a couple..
Bulbul, Aliya & Purab almost shouts- nooo…..
Aaksh- what happened, why these big noo..
Purab- don't think on that ever again..
Bulbul- its a waste of time...
Aliya think something & Aaksh, Purab & Bulbul almost argument with each other.
Aliya shout in high pitch- stop all of you.
3 of them stop & Aliya continue- aaksh is right bhai & pragya is perfect for each other.
Purab- don't think useless things Aliya...
Aliya- see bhai, pragya is east & bhai is west sometime ago you said every action have an opposite reaction, most important they both have plus point is that family, see from my vision, they are perfect...
Purab- see alu don't say these words Infront of Abhi, and from your mind these thing vanished out right now..
Bulbul- but baby...
Purab- no, nothing, came we have move to home, it's too late now, & you both these thing vanished out from your mind & heart, and Bulbul we have to move...
Bulbul & Purab went to there home...

Here in arora house:

Pragya came & take blessing from parents...
Sarla- how can you forget to give speech...
Praksh- sarla she came now & you started your questions...
Pragya- maa sorry for that, I forget to give the speech...
Sarla- its ok...
Praksh- go and fresh fast came quick for dinner..
Pragya makes a face- no Papa I m already eat in car so I m not starving, I want sleep, good night maa, papa & she gave both of them side hug & left to room.

In pragya's room, she open her fan page there lots of congress messages & fan s
creations, & lots of things are tag to her.. she smiled and close that page..
After that she open her personal I.D.

The I.D name is 'SEVEN STAR'
Likes: galaxy, rain & rainbows & her one mutual friend 'Alien'.
She always talked with him, last 5 years, but they both are not meet each other not saw each other both are very
know eachothers emotions & moods, likes & dislikes also.
Pragya saw that Alien was message to her in inbox.
Alien msg- hi, 7star, how are you? I knw you are happy today, your favorite singer won the award, feeling low.
Pragya read all the messages and small smile create on her face..
She reply- yaa i m fine, & very much happy today, my favorite singer, rockstar won the award but why are you feeling low???
Alien see the inbox 7star reply.
Alien read message & reply- coz my favorite singer lose the award naa.
7star- ohhh, that's why alien.
Alien- hmmm!
7star- can I say something...
Alien- hmmm, say..
7star- don't feel low na yaar,  you always good like when you create antics jokes, funny shayari’s put them as status, that time you are the best, I know your favorite singer lose, but lot of awards are next,he will won the award, not for his fans, but specially he won the award for you only...
Alien- kuch bhi 7star! I m the one fan from millions fans, he don't know me personally...
7star- when I said that he personally knows you, but he will not do it again na..
Alien- yaa you are right...
7star- i m always, now you are happy or not...
Alien- very much happy, my name is alien but you are the alien for me..
7star- now don't say anything..
Alien- arrye seriously, I am always share with everything, when I share with you sad thing that time you always suggest me good solution, you are my life saver...
7star- ohhh my god! Mr.alien now you are said so much things..

Alien- but now seriously thank you very much...
7star- its k. Now i m going to offline...
Alien- arrey it's so early...
7star- its already 12:30am yaar.
Alien- ok, good night, sweet dreams, take care, bye, see you tommrow at same time...
7star- bye take care too...
And she end the chating with alien & went to sleep with big smile on her face & say to herself 'he is very nice person'..
Next evening in pragya arora's award winning party...
Reporters are take interview of pragya...
Reporter- mam how can you came in these industry..
Pragya- I came these industry, because of my friend, we both are same college, class, I was participate in singing competition when I was in college, that competition sometimes I won, but singing is not my aim and goal..
Reporter- can we know about that person who support you and who release you that you are the best in singing..
Pragya looked here & there Aliya came in from main get of arora house...
Pragya smile & said- here she came...
Pragya wave her hand & she waved her hand to came near to her & Aliya came near to her, pragya point to her & said-  coz of Aliya i m here, she filled my Rockstar competition form, without my permission, if she too my permission then today I m not stand Infront of all, all credit goes to her.
Reporter- you gave all credit to your friend, what about your parents...
pragya cut in between n said- today I singer because of her but because of maa’s Papa's support, I won the award, they support me a lot for everything, if they are not support me then I not here...
Reporters to Aliya- mam what you say about Pragya the Rockstar...
Aliya- she is Rockstar for world but for me she is my best friend...
Reporter- mam one pic with your family & friend plz...
Pragya- yaa sure, she click a one pic with parents & Aliya…

Here in mehera mansion Abhi watching Pragya's interview & mimesis her...
Abhi- only she won one award, she started showing attitude...
Abhi's P.A- sir next stage show will be held by yours but..& he stop...
Abhi- what! Say..
Abhi's P.A- that show will be held by Pragya Arora, they give to her double amount for that...

Thanks for reading…

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