Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Ross’s POV

It’s been a hour since Buddy went into surgery and we haven’t heard a thing. Talia has been sitting with Ryland talking away about DJing and I can’t believe that they are. I keep looking over at them and Talia keeps laughing. Ryland got up and walked to the bathroom. I took that moment to go talk to Talia. I walked over and sat next her. She looked up from her phone and at me.

“What is your problem?” I asked.

“What are you talking about?” She said trying to look confused but it wasn’t working.

“Just because we can’t date yet doesn’t mean you can just go and make Ryland think you like him.” I said pretty upset.

“What? I was just asking him if he likes going on tour. I always talk to you guys but never him. I love you Ross. You need to trust me. Even if we are NOT dating.” Talia said. I sighed.


“It’s ok. We all get jealous.”

“All? We ALL get jealous? Talia Aubree Chris are you jealous of some girl that I talked to?” I said smiling.

“What? No. I’m just saying that we all get jealous.”

“ALL!! You are jealous!” I said and started tickling her.

“Ross Stop it!!” She said laughing I stopped. She looked at me and smiled. A cop walked in and I walked away. Talia stopped looking at me and turned towards Rydel.

Talia’s POV

I started talking to Rydel and she kept going on and on about me being too young for Ross. Finally I said something.

“Look Rydel you care about him and I get that. I care about him too. I know that he could go back to jail and you're scared of that happening. But reminding me every minute about being too young for Ross is just a constant reminder of how much I miss him and that I let him down.” Rydel frowned.

“I’m sorry Talia. It’s not just about Ross. I don’t like seeing you get hurt. You mean a lot to me. And you getting hurt would hurt Ross which would hurt me.” I smiled and hugged her. I looked over at Riker. He mouthed ‘You're making a mistake!’ I made a mad face at him.

“Can I see Talia Chris?” The Veterinarian asked. I stood up and walked over to her.

Ross’s POV

The Vet started talking to her. I couldn’t hear what she was saying. Talia turned around.

“Ross can I talk to you?” she asked. I looked up from my hands. I nodded and she lead me outside. We stopped and she faced me.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked.

She grabbed my hand and took me around the corner to the side of the office. She pointed over to the corner where Buddy was laying there staring at us. I immediately hugged her. She got out of my grasp and opened the gate. I followed her inside the gated area where Buddy lay. She walked over to him and knelt down next to Buddy. I knelt down next to her. We started petting him. Buddy looked up at me and barked. I stood up quickly.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” Talia said.

“It’s ok. Maybe he just wants to see you.” I said turning around. I started walking. I felt a small hand land on my wrist. I turned to see Talia looking at me with hope in her eyes. Her hand slid down to my hand. She intertwined our fingers. She walked me over to Buddy.

“Ross, If we are gonna get back together Buddy has to like you.” She said smiling big. I laughed and put my hand out for Buddy to sniff. He sniffed it and moved his head under my hand. Buddy suddenly laid down on my shoes. “Told you.” She said.

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