Chapter 4... A Cold Shoulder

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11:30 AM...

Jack woke up on the couch, but he was shivering uncontrollably. He realized that he didn't close his freezer all the way and stumbled down to the basement and closed it. The doorbell rang, but as he tried to go up the stairs, he fell down and was shaking from the freezing temperatures. Mark and Felix were knocking for about 2 minutes so they decided to just walk in. "Jack! We know you're here!" Felix said. "Jack? Where are you?" Mark shouted. They looked in every room in the house, nothing. "Is he really not here?" Felix asked. "We didn't check the basement yet, maybe he's in there." Mark suggested. They went down to find Jack, laying in a ball on the floor and shaking uncontrollably. "Jack! What happened?" Mark asked as they ran down to him. Felix touched his shoulder and he felt how cold he was. "He's fucking freezing! No wonder why he's shaking so much." Felix said. Mark picked him up and carried him up the stairs and sat with him on the couch. Felix grabbed his jacket from the car and wrapped it around him. "How did you get so cold, Jack?" Felix asked. "I-I-I-I f-for-forgot to- to close- m-m-my fre-freezer, l-l-last night." Jack said while his teeth were chattering. "Geez, I didn't even notice how it should be snowing in here." Mark said. Jack started to warm up and he stopped shivering enough so he could talk without stuttering. "How could you forget to close your freezer last night?" Felix asked. "I forgot, okay?" Jack said defensively. "You know, that freezer wouldn't have made it this cold. You have another freezer?" Mark asked. "Y- yes, I store different stuff in there. My dad was a butcher before I died so when I moved here, I realized I inherited the shop. So I sold the shop and kept all the meat in the giant freezer that came with the house." Jack explained. "Ah, I see. Ready to film?" Felix asked. Everyone nodded their heads and started to film.

3:55 PM...

Jack got an alert on his phone and his face was shocked. "Remember that person that went missing? Beck Oliver? A body part showed up on their doorstep. He's dead according to authorities." Jack said. "Man, and they didn't find a trace of anything else? No body, fingerprints, nothing?" Mark asked. "Nope, he hides his tracks really well. And nobody ever caught him on surveillance so he's untraceable." Felix said. "What body part did they find?" Mark asked. "A nose." Jack said. "That's different, usually he leaves a tongue or an eye, not a nose." Felix said. "I guess he's going for a new method this time." Jack said. "What does that mean though? An eye means he will kidnap in the open and a tongue means he's gonna drug someone by putting something in their food and drink. I just don't get it." Felix said.  "We better be careful." Mark said. "Yeah, I think we have enough footage for today, I'll see you in class tomorrow guys." Jack said as Mark and Felix walked out the door.

Jack went down to the big freezer and pulled out a piece of meat that looked like a burger, but he knows how to disguise human flesh. He cooked it, put it into a bun, and poured a glass of a thick red substance, presumably blood. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, going to his DVR and clicked "Carrie", not the newer one, the original from the 1970s and watched it while eating his "burger". After he finished, he took a shower and dyed his hair to a different shade of green for a change. He then proceeded to pack his bag for school, including a gas sedative that he plans to knock out the entire school with and a gas mask. He sets his stuff by the door and heads to the bathroom and shoots up with enough sedative to knock him out cold until the morning so he can get used to the sedative since it's the same kind he's using to knock out the school. He stumbles to the couch as his vision fades to blackness.

7:00 AM...

Mark and Felix walk up to Jack's door to come pick him up, but when they rang the doorbell, he didn't answer. Mark and Felix decided to walk in and Jack was passed out on the couch. "Jack, wake up." Felix said while shaking him. "Man, he's out. Does he drink, Mark?" Felix asked. "If he does, he didn't say anything to me." Mark said. "Yeah, there's no bottles anywhere, does he do drugs maybe?" Felix asked. "Could be the case, are you sure he's completely out?" Mark asked. Felix sat him up and slapped him hard, nothing. "Yep, he's out. What's your plan?" Felix asked. "We should look around for any drugs, besides the Antipsychotics." Mark said. They both split up, Felix looked in the kitchen and Mark went into the bathroom. "Nothing in here! Anything in there?" Felix asked. Mark looked around and found a syringe with a bottle with liquid in it. Mark brought it out and showed it to Felix, hoping he knew what it was. "Is that a sedative?" Felix said. "That would explain a lot, the spacing out, the blackout, that explains it." Mark said. Jack started to wake up slowly so Felix set the stuff back into the bathroom quickly before he noticed. "Jack, what happened? We've been trying to wake you up for like 20 minutes!" Mark said. "Ugh, what time is it?" Jack asked groggily. "7:25, we need to leave." Felix said.  Jack got dressed and stumbled down the stairs, tripping on the last one, but Mark caught him. "You need to be more careful on how you walk." Mark said. Jack was blushing even though he was extremely out of it. They made their way to Mark's car and they got to school.

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