Chapter 6... The Final Scene

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10:20 AM...

Felix walked down to find Jack and Mark sleeping on the couch with Mark's arm over Jack. Felix decided to wake them up the old-fashion way, using an overrated alarm ringtone. An annoying ringtone started to play, but they must have been really tired because they didn't react at all to it. After that didn't work, he thought he would mess with them a little bit. He found a black marker and being the man-child he is, he drew fake mustaches on them before they woke up, and for a joke, he drew wedding bands on their fingers. They woke up about five minutes later, Jack started laughing at Mark. "What's so funny?" Mark asked. "Did you draw a mustache on your face because you're not growing it fast enough?" Jack asked jokingly. "Could ask you the same question." Mark said. They looked down on their fingers and saw the bands, and they knew exactly what happened. "FELIX!" they both shouted at the same time. Felix was hiding in the bathroom, snickering at what he'd done.

"Felix, open this door now or I will kick it down!" Jack shouted. "Not gonna happen you lovebirds!" Felix said through the door. Jack started to get a glint of anger in his eyes. "Uh, Felix. He's not joking, he will kick the door down, he's fucking pissed." Mark warned. "Suuuuure he is." Felix said mockingly. Jack started kicking the door down, almost releasing the hinges on the first attempt. "Felix, you might want to say you'll come out before Jack kicks your ass." Mark said. "Sorry, not gonna happen. I'm safe in here." Felix said. Jack kicked the door a second time and it completely broke off, nearly collapsing on top of Felix. "Jesus, Jack! It was a joke!" Felix said. "Okay, the mustaches were fine, but wedding bands, really Felix?" Mark said. "Come on! You guys were basically cuddling, I had to!" Felix said. Jack picked him off the floor and pinned him against the wall. "Jack, come on, you would do the same to me!" Felix said. "No, I would have the fucking decency to not make jokes like that!" Jack shouted, showing his teeth slightly. Mark eased Jack off of Felix as quickly as he could. "Both of you get out of here!" Jack shouted, making Mark and Felix leave the room.

"What the hell were you thinking, Felix?!" Mark said. "I didn't know he would react like that! I thought it would be funny!" Felix said. "Whatever, what's done is done." Mark said. "Are you guys a, you know, thing?" Felix asked. "Y-yeah, we are, sort of. It's complicated." Mark said. "Oh, is that why he reacted like that?" Felix asked. "I guess so, maybe that triggered something for him?" Mark said. "What I don't get is he was mad at you too, I could tell." Felix said. "Yeah, no kidding. He gets in moods sometimes, maybe this is the case." Mark said. They kept talking until they heard something shatter in the bathroom.

Jack was pacing around the bathroom, not out of nervousness, out of rage. Jack was having another psychotic episode, trying to keep it from Mark and Felix. Jack kept mumbling random things until his mood turned for the worst. He just kept getting more angry by the minute and his medication isn't working anymore. He felt an instinct to swing, so he did, shattering the giant mirror in front of the sink. Blood was running down his hand and arm, and he gave an ominous grin when he looked down to his bleeding arm that had shards of mirror sticking from it. Mark and Felix ran up to the bathroom to see the mirror gone off the wall and some of it stuck in Jack's arm. "Jack, are you okay? What did you do?" Mark asked. Jack snapped out of it and tried to act normal. "I'm sorry, I'm not thinking straight." Jack said. "You need to go to a hospital, Jack. You're bleeding a lot." Felix said. "Yeah, okay." Jack said as Mark led him out of the bathroom and into the car.

Jack had at least 3 big towels to wrap his arm to stop the bleeding, but blood soaked through all of them. They finally got there and Mark helped Jack out while Felix went to park. "Mark, I'm not going to make it to the desk." Jack said, sounding a little incoherent. "What do you mean, Jack? You sound like you're crazy." Mark asked. Jack started to stumble, but Mark caught him and put his arm that wasn't bleeding over his shoulder. "Okay, I see what you mean now, but you need to stay awake for me, okay?" Mark said. "I'm try-trying." Jack said lethargically. "If the doctors ask about medications, I'm allowed to say what you take, right?" Mark asked. Jack nodded his head as he lost consciousness. "Jack! Come on, wake up!" Mark said. Jack was hanging off of Mark so Mark picked him up and ran to the emergency wing as fast as he could. "You need to help him! He's losing blood, fast!" Mark said to a nurse that ran up to them. About 5 nurses pulled a gurney to Jack and Mark set him on it. He was rushed to the O.R right away.

3 hours later...

A doctor walked up to Mark and Felix, who were waiting in the waiting area. "Are you here for Jack?" he asked. "Yes, we are." Mark said. "How is he?" Felix asked. "He's stable, for now, but he lost a lot of blood, ruptured an artery." he said. "Can we see him?" Felix asked. The doctor led them to Jack's room, he was still asleep. "He will probably be a little out of it because he sort of woke up during surgery and we had to give him a lot more sedative than normal." he said. "Thanks for the warning." Felix said. "Oh, before I forget, does he take any medication?" the doctor asked. "Yeah, he takes 4 of them." Mark said as he listed off the names of them. "Psychotic episodes, huh? Is it possible that he could have been having one when this happened?" he asked. "It might be possible, I'm not completely sure though." Mark said. The doctor walked away while Felix and Mark sat by Jack's bedside. His arm was covered in stitches, over 40 of them in 2 different places. Jack started to wake up slowly to see Mark and Felix talking about something, but they sounded muffled to Jack, and they were surrounded in blinding light.

"Jack, you're awake finally." Felix said. "What happened?" Jack asked. "You lost a lot of blood, you ruptured an artery in your arm." Mark said. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly." Jack said. "Ain't that the truth." Felix said jokingly. "Felix, not now." Mark said with a serious tone. "How do you feel?" Felix asked. "My arm is numbed beyond belief, so I won't know until it wears off." Jack said. "I have your discharge papers if you want to sign them." Mark said. He handed Jack the papers and he signed them. "You okay to walk? You lost quite a bit of blood." Felix asked. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine." Jack said. He got up, he could stand up fine, but when he started to walk, he stumbled and nearly fell to the ground, but Mark caught him. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine." Mark mocked jokingly. Jack poked his finger in the ribs again, scaring Mark, but he nearly dropped Jack, but Felix caught him. "Wow, almost fucking dropping me now, are you?" Jack said. "Hey, that would have been your fault." Mark said. They all went to Felix's car and drove to Jack's house.

"Oh my god! I totally forgot, for our music video! We need one more scene and I need at least 7 people to play as extras!" Jack said in a panic. "Okay, I have people, where are we shooting this?" Mark asked. "There's this abandoned mansion that I thought would be perfect." Jack said. "Felix wanna be an extra?" Mark asked. "Duh!" Felix said. They drove to the address where Jack wanted to shoot and all the extras showed up, including Wade. "Hey, Wade. Thanks for doing this." Mark said. "No problem, I had nothing else to do." Wade said jokingly. Bob was there as well and 4 others that Jack didn't know. "Okay, this is going to seem really dark because it is, but I need you all to act like you are dead on the floor. Like I said, I know that sounds bad." Jack said. Everyone agreed and Bob brought over fake blood like Jack asked, and a lot of it as well. "Thanks, Bob." Jack said. "You're welcome." Bob said. Everyone took their positions and Jack spread the fake blood in puddles all over the ground and on the extras.

30 minutes later...

"Okay, I think we're done! Nice job guys." Jack said. Everyone got up and Wade walked over to Jack. "Hey, Wade. What's up?" Jack asked. "You really seem to have a knack for this sort of thing, you should go into the Video Production club." Wade said. "Way ahead of you, I have my video ready to show them." Jack said. "You're quick to get around, aren't you?" Wade said jokingly. "And to think that you were scared of me on the first day." Jack said jokingly. "Yeah. I'll see you around!" Wade said as he waved and left. "Ready to go, Jack?" Mark said. Jack nodded his head and they went back to the house.

"Okay, I just need to edit this part in and all of our projects will be done." Jack said. "Wow, you work quick." Felix said. "Hey, Jack? Can I ask you a question?" Mark asked. "You just did." Jack said jokingly. "Ha, very funny. Do you want to audition together for the Video Production club?" Mark asked. "Really? I didn't know you wanted to do it." Jack said. "Yeah, and I heard that to enter, you need to have a video with you and your partner in it and a separate video for each person." Mark said. "Let's audition together then. I have my video, I can edit ours, but you have to edit your own. You can use my old laptop if you want." Jack said. "That would be awesome, thanks." Mark said as Jack handed him the laptop. "Let's get to work." Jack said. "I'm gonna go work with my other partner on our projects, I'll see you guys later!" Felix yelled from downstairs. "See ya!" they both yelled from upstairs.

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