Chapter 11... Coming Unraveled

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Mark threw off the headphones in a panic while his hands were shaking violently. "Mark, are you okay? What happened?" Joey asked. "Y-you d-don't want to know." Mark said while stuttering. "Something was on there that scared you, you can tell me what it is." Joey said. "N-no, I really can't. We weren't supposed to find this! Oh, god! This is bad, this is really bad!" Mark said. "Mark! Calm down, it's okay." Joey said in an effort to calm Mark down. "We need to get out of here, right now!" Mark said as the basically pushed Joey out of Jack's room. They walked downstairs and Jack was awake, and he was cooking a burger, but Mark thought it looked different from an average burger, it was blood red in color. "Jack, you sure you don't want either of us cooking that for you?" Joey asked. "Yeah, I'm sure." Jack said. Mark and Joey sat down and watched TV, but Joey could still tell that something was off with Mark.

Jack got done cooking his food and sat down next to Joey since Jack knew what was bothering Mark. About 10 minutes later, Jack nearly finished his food with Joey and Mark staring at it, wondering what it really is. "Hey, Jack? What kind of meat is that? It looks different." Joey asked. "I honestly don't know, my father was a butcher and when he was, you know what happened. I inherited his shop and all the contents of said shop." Jack said. "How did you-?" Joey asked. "How did I know that you know why I have tattoos all over and also the sharp teeth and what happened to me and my parents? I know Mark told you everything, well, nearly everything." Jack said. Joey's eyes widened, as did Mark's. "Are you like psychic or something?" Joey asked. "That's what Mark asked the first day we met. And what was my answer, Mark?" Jack said. "No, he's not psychic. Just knowledgeable." Mark said nervously. "Do you know why Mark is nervous then?" Joey asked. "Yes, I know. That we will discuss later." Jack said in a slightly eerie tone. "Do you feel well enough to stay by yourself?" Joey asked. "Yeah, I'm good." Jack said. "Well, I have to take off, my parents have no idea where I am so, yeah." Joey said. "See you later, and thank you both for helping me." Jack said. "No problem, Jack." Joey said as he walked out the door.

"So, you know why I'm nervous?" Mark asked nervously. "I know exactly why you're nervous. I didn't take you for a snooper, Mark." Jack said as he circled him. "It was an accident, I didn't mean to find that, and trust me. If I knew what it was, I would've never listened to it." Mark said. "You're lucky you know my secret already, otherwise, you know what would've happened." Jack said in an ominous tone. "Y-you would've had to "silence" me?" Mark asked while stuttering. "Correct. And you're not going to tell anyone about this, right?" Jack said. Mark nodded his head rapidly in fear of Jack. "Then you don't have anything to worry about." Jack said as he walked in his room. Mark walked out the door, realizing that Joey was still in the driveway trying to get his car started. "Mark, are you sure you're okay? You look even more spooked than before." Joey asked. "I-I just had a conversation with Jack, he knew I snooped on his computer." Mark said. "From the look on your face, he was pissed." Joey said. "He was beyond mad at me, you're lucky you didn't see his face." Mark said. "I didn't hear any shouting or anything, so what happened?" Joey asked. "Well, after Jack went through what he did, he's had psychotic episodes, he still has them. He kind of went off on me like that." Mark said. "He didn't hurt you or anything, did he?" Joey asked in concern. "N-no, he just made a threat." Mark said. "What kind of threat?" Joey asked. "I-I already said too much, I have to go." Mark said as he walked back to his house. Joey had a worried look and debated whether to go back in and confront Jack, but based off what Mark told him, he thought it was best to leave him be for now. He started up his car and went home.

11:45 PM...

Jack was up editing a piece to take his mind off of what happened earlier, but he started to feel different, he felt his psychotic side coming out. Jack's mind flooded with dark thoughts and his lip curled into a sinister smile. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a large knife from the holder in the kitchen. To attempt to control his urges, he slit his hand open, watching the fresh blood drip down his hand, but he wanted more than that. He took it further and sliced his arm, all the way to his elbow. He slid to the floor and started to chuckle, which then turned into fits of laughter. After about 15 minutes, his back started to arch as his laughter echoed off the walls, even louder than before. This continued and there was no sign of stopping.

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