Chapter 12... Insanity Consumes the Innocent

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7:00 AM...

Mark walked into Jack's house very cautiously in case he was still in attack mode. He only came by to bring his new meds to him, but he was concerned for him, even though Jack nearly killed him. Mark set his medication on the kitchen counter and walked up to Jack's room and opened the door cautiously, seeing that Jack was in the same position he left him in when he left yesterday. Mark was extremely worried since he didn't wake up after he knocked him out, so he ran to his bedside and tried to wake him up, but he was still out cold. Mark picked up Jack and walked down to the living room and sat on the couch with Jack limply curled in his lap. "Jack, I'm so sorry I did this to you, but you made me." Mark said while sobbing. Mark's phone went off in his pocket, Joey was calling him. "Hello?" Mark said. "Hey, Mark. Are you okay? You sound like you're crying." Joey said. Mark let a soft sob fly from his mouth, and Joey started to become concerned. "What happened?" Joey asked. "I-I hurt Jack." Mark said while crying. "Wait, what do you mean?!" Joey asked. "He completely snapped after Felix broke into his house and after nearly killing him, he came at me and I had to defend myself. I knocked him out and he's still not awake." Mark explained. "Oh, my god! What did he do to Felix? And why was Felix in his house?" Joey asked. "He nearly strangled Felix to death, and if I wasn't there, he would've killed him. And Felix came here to look at what I saw on his computer, and apparently you told him about it." Mark said. "Ugh, I told Felix to stay out of it, but he's always so fucking stubborn!" Joey said. "I don't know if I'll be there today, but if I am-" Mark said as he was cut off by a kick in the gut from Jack.

"Jack!" Mark shouted in fear and surprise. He dropped his phone and didn't hang it up, so Joey was hearing everything that was happening. "Think you can get rid of me so easily, Mark?!" Jack shouted. "Jack, no! I didn't want to! You came after me, you would've killed me if I didn't!" Mark shot back. "Sure, you meant to kill me on the spot, but no, you didn't fucking want to!" Jack shouted back. "No, that was never my intention!" Mark said back. "It's mine now." Jack said in an ominous tone. Jack pulled a knife out from his pocket and started to laugh like a maniac, just like he did yesterday morning. "Jack, put the knife down!" Mark shouted. Jack threw it in Mark's direction, having it miss Mark by an inch, grazing his clothes. This time, Jack's only goal was to kill, no matter who it was. Jack grabbed a large glass vase and threw it at Mark, but he dodged it, landing in front of a large china cabinet. Mark didn't expect Jack to do this, but he knocked the china cabinet over, having it land on Mark. Mark screamed as loud as he could in pain, but his vision was drifting into darkness until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. Jack just kept laughing until his vocal cords were raw and the back of his throat was bleeding. Jack went out his backdoor into the woods behind his house, leaving Mark to die there.

Joey heard all of this happen and he was absolutely mortified and shaken up. "Joey, are you okay?" Felix asked. "No, we need to go, right now! Mark's in big trouble!" Joey shouted as he basically dragged Felix to his car. "Woah, tell me what's going on!" Felix said. "Jack attacked Mark, and he was trying to kill him!" Joey said frantically. "Wait, how do you know this?" Felix asked. "I heard it all, I was on the phone with him when Jack attacked." Joey said. "Oh, god!" Felix said. Joey drove extremely quickly and him and Felix both ran into Jack's house, and it was worse than they expected. There was shattered glass and blood everywhere, and Mark was crushed by Jack's huge china cabinet. "Oh, my god! MARK!" Joey shouted. They both lifted the cabinet off of him surprisingly and Felix called 911 while Joey stayed with him. "Mark, please wake up! I know you can!" Joey encouraged. Mark surprisingly opened his eyes and looked at Joey. "Mark! Oh, thank god!" Joey said. "J-Jack..." Mark said weakly. 

"What did you say?" Joey asked nervously. "B-behind, you..." Mark said as he faded into unconsciousness once again. Joey rose up in fear as he felt a force hit the back of his head before he lost consciousness. Jack had managed to sneak back in the house without anyone noticing and hid, waiting for Felix to come back inside. Felix ran back inside to see both Mark and Joey unconscious. "Joey! What happened?! Come on, wake up!" Felix shouted while shaking his shoulder. "Time to finish what we started, Felix." Jack said in a menacing tone. "Jack! Why would you do this?! They didn't do anything to you!" Felix shouted. "Joey nearly found out my secret, so did you, that's why I need you out of my way." Jack said. "Wait, Mark knows your secret? Why hurt him if he knew for so long?" Felix asked. "He nearly fucking killed me with a wooden plank, that's reason enough!" Jack shouted. 

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