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Nothing is impossible - just a bit unlikely. The Doctor and the Alchemist have learned that the hard way, after the Alchemist was resurrected from death and granted the chance to continue her life with the Doctor.

But, as they know better than anyone, all good things come to an end.

After all, nothing good could come when they hear rumors that the Doctor, and the Doctor alone, will be facing his end.


How's that for an introduction?

So, welcome to "The Finishing Touch," Book Five of my infamous The Creators Saga, where I think the Alchemist is the one I have poked and prodded and punched and butchered more than any other OC I've had. As my dear sister shavingforsherl0ck can attest to, the Alchemist has definitely had one hell of a ride - and it can only get worse from here.

 . . . *cue cricket chirps*

Ahem! So, introducing my lovely OC, the Eleventh Alchemist! She has fair skin, black hair, and pure gold eyes, the main side effect of having the Vortex permanently. She wears a dark purple halter top, white denim shorts, and white sneakers, her hair in a low ponytail over her shoulder. She speaks with an American accent, similar to her older brother, Captain Jack Harkness, who she once again takes after the most. She is portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens, and her theme is "Love and Loss" from Two Steps From Hell.

Once again, it is up to my readers: if you want me to launch right into "The Next Doctor" to introduce you to the Eleventh Alchemist, I'm all for it. Or, if you want me to update sweet little Annakamara, I can do that as well. It's up to you. I've got four hours on a train to Wittenberg tomorrow, so I'm up for anything. Just comment and tell me which you'd rather see me update. :)

The Finishing Touch (Book Five of The Creators Saga)Where stories live. Discover now