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Hey, whaddya know - first bit in a while that's not heartbreaking! See, I can be nice! Of course, I barely got any sleep at all last night . . . bloody Berlin traffic kept me up. :/

Anyway, here's the prologue!


The Doctor exited the TARDIS, looking around the street they had landed on, smiling when he saw the falling snow. After everything he and his Bonded had just gone through, they deserved a decent Christmas. He turned when the Alchemist stepped out after him, the woman beaming as she took in the snow falling around her. "Brilliant," she grinned at him.

"I know," the Doctor grinned back, holding out his hand.

She took it, squeezing, and the two of them walked down the street towards the bustling marketplace. "Go on, then," the Alchemist teased lightly. "Did you miss?"

The Doctor gave her a look, then called out to a passing boy. "You there, boy! What day is this?"

"Christmas Eve, sir," he answered.

"Ha!" the Doctor grinned triumphantly at the Alchemist. "What year?"

The boy frowned. "You thick or something?"

"Sometimes," the Alchemist grinned.

"Oi!" the Doctor scowled, and she laughed. "Just answer the question!"

"Year of our Lord, 1851, sir," the boy answered.

"Right," the Doctor nodded as the boy left. "Nice year. Bit dull."

"Well, don't tell them that," the Alchemist nodded around the marketplace.

"Doctor!" a female voice suddenly called from another alley. "Doctor!"

He blinked. "Who, me?" he asked the Alchemist before running off.

He found a dark-skinned young woman shouting in the alley. "Doctor!"

"Don't worry, don't worry," the Doctor held up his hands. "Stand back."

"Something's in there," the Alchemist warned, examining the double doors in the wall nearby.

"Ooo," the Doctor winced. "OK, I've got it. Whatever's behind that door, I think you should get out of here."

"Doctor!" the woman continued to call.

The Doctor frowned. "No, no, I'm standing right here. Hello."

"Don't be stupid," she frowned at him. "Who are you?"

"He's the Doctor," the Alchemist answered, confused.

"Well, there can't be two of him!"

"Two of him?!"

"Where the hell have you been?" the woman huffed.

The Alchemist turned to see a man in a mustard yellow coat jog up. "Right, then," he said. "Don't worry, stand back," he nodded at the doors. "What have we got here, then?"

"Hold on, hold on," the Doctor frowned. "Who are you?"

"I'm the Doctor," the man answered, making the Alchemist do a double take. "Simply, the Doctor. The one, the only, and the best. Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver."

"The what?" the Doctor blinked.

"Now, quickly, get back to the TARDIS," the next Doctor added when Rosita handed something over.

"Back to the what?" the Alchemist looked at her Doctor, surprised by this turn of events.

"If you could stand back, sir, madam. This is a job for a Time Lord!"

"Job for a what lord?" the two asked at the same time.

The doors suddenly burst open, and everyone spun when some sort of animal with a Cyberman head appeared. "Oh, that's different," the Doctor remarked.

"Oh, that's new," the next Doctor said.

Both pointed their screwdrivers at the same time and called, "Allons-y!"


Lol, that's probably all I'm going to manage for the moment! The only reason I got to write this is because Dad went back to Wittenberg this morning to try and find what he left. Fingers crossed he finds it.

Anyway, show's on the road now!

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