Nice Day For A Gold Wedding

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Boy, was yesterday a day. I told my parents I wanted yesterday to be an easy day, and apparently, "easy day" has different meanings. I was extremely happy with the garnet jewelry my mom and I got (including extra discounts because we were actually the very first customers in that store because it was its opening day), but by Prague Castle, I was completely wiped out. That also included kind of blowing up at my parents . . . to be fair, I think I said some pretty important stuff.

Long story short, I'm ready to get back home to the States. It's been amazing in Europe, but we're now into our fourth week, and that's just a bit long.

Alright, enough about me and dreary stuff! There's a wedding for you guys to read! :D



"Should I say it?" Jack wondered, a smirk on his face as he, the Doctor, Owen, Ianto, and Mickey picked a table at Cardiff's best restaurant to eat at. "I feel like I should say it."

"You don't need to say it," the Doctor sighed.

"I do," Mickey leaned forward. "This has been a long time coming."

"Oh, I should say it more," Jack grinned. "I met her before you did."

"By a few adventures, Captain Cheesecake!"

"It's Beefcake, Mickey Mouse!"

Ianto rolled his eyes and looked over at the Doctor, who just shook his head. "Be grateful that's what Mickey's calling him now," the Time Lord advised. "It used to be Captain of the Innuendo Squad."

"No, that's still him on occasion," Owen snickered into his beer. "Just not around Ianto."

"Thanks, Owen," Jack huffed.

"I'm your brother," the man countered. "It's my job to be this way."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't. Alex might just kill you."

"She's the one who made me immortal. She wants me around forever."

The Doctor shook his head, a smile on his face. "Brothers. For sure."

"Oi!" they protested at the same time.

"Nice to know your families didn't stop growing while Rose and I were gone," Mickey admitted. "Man, it's weird without her here."

"Yeah, how will that work?" Ianto asked with a frown. "I would have thought the Alchemist would want her here."

"She does," the Doctor nodded, hiding a growing grin behind his face as he took a drink from his own mug.

Mickey narrowed his eyes. "What did the Alchemist do?"

The Doctor paused, then frowned at Mickey. "How did you know she did something?"

"My Pilot," Mickey smirked. "I know her."

"Yeah, she did something," the Doctor admitted, putting his mug down. "The Creators were very good at their jobs. One of which included protecting their secrets of dimension jumping with everything they had."

Jack's eyes widened. "Lexi gave Rosie something to help her come back?"

"She did," the Doctor confirmed. "So I told the TARDIS to give Rose a message. We should be finding out soon on whether Rose's new dimension jump works or not."

"Oh, if it does, this is going to be an amazing wedding," Jack grinned.

"You'll just have to choose who's who in the party," Mickey teased.

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