Planet of the Dead

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Happy New Year, everyone! Here's your present - an update!

For those of you who have wondered where I've been for the last half a year . . . boy, has college been a blast. I think I've finally got it down enough to figure out how I can keep writing Doctor Who while keeping up with my studies. These episodes take a really long time to write (especially specials like this one), so I never felt comfortable writing Doctor Who during the weekdays, when I'd be up and moving constantly with classes and all that. However, I think I'll do better next semester.

Right now, my plan is to alternate between Doctor Who and my SuperArrow series "The Unmatched Records." I think it'll do me much better to rotate, because staring at the same style of transcript for a while does not do good things for my eyes. The more my eyes get used to reading transcripts again, the sooner updates get out. After all, I'm sure everyone wants to get to Eleven as much as I do :) . . . well, except maybe Miss Gatiss. }:)

Anyway, here's the next of the Tennant specials! Two Time Lords, a parallel world jumper, an immortal captain, a sarcastic doctor, and a sassy ginger walk onto a bus. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but it's the beginning of a family outing for this lot! Also, slight warning - this chapter isn't very Christina friendly. It's not outright bashing, but she's definitely not the "companion" for this episode.

Enjoy "Planet of the Dead!"


"Is something in the air?" Donna asked as a group of six sat around a table in downtown London, the ginger taking a sip of her tea. "Because that's the second wedding this year."

"What's wrong with weddings?" the Alchemist protested, lifting her head off her eldest brother's shoulder.

"Yeah, come on, what's wrong with weddings?" Rose chimed in, pouting.

"Nothing's wrong with weddings," Donna quickly shook her head. "Just . . . well, this quickly?"

"Oh, come on," Owen rolled his eyes. "Who didn't see those two getting together?"

"They're good for each other, too," Jack added. "Can't say I blame either of them."

"Yeah, they're good together," the Doctor agreed. "They looked happy, at least."

All six of them had decided to stick together the weekend following the second wedding of the year – that of Mickey Smith and Martha Jones. Rose had even made the jump from her parallel world to be in Martha's bridal party at Mickey's request. The Doctor had been surprised when Mickey asked him to be best man, especially since Martha's sister Tish was going to be the maid of honor. He'd been a bit concerned about the Alchemist, since Martha had asked for her to be one of her bridesmaids, too. He'd been much less concerned when he learned Mickey had asked Jack to be the next groomsman, pairing him with his sister. All members of the Torchwood team had made the flight to London, and both of their families – Jack, Owen, and Rose with the Alchemist, and Donna with the Doctor – had decided to stay for a while and catch up on what had happened in their lives since they last met.

"By the way," Jack pointed at the huge chocolate egg the Doctor had. "Are you seriously going to finish that?"

"Oh, probably not," the Doctor shrugged, chipping away at it. "But it's good!"

"You would just attend Easter for the chocolate," Donna rolled her eyes fondly.

"What's wrong with chocolate?" the Alchemist giggled.

"Oh, nothing's wrong with chocolate," Donna shook her head, frowning. "Why do you think I think something's wrong with everything?"

"Oh, I missed this," the Doctor admitted with a grin.

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