The Next Doctor

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Ladies and gentlemen, coming to you from Prague . . . not a heartbreaking episode! Huzzah! :D

Enjoy "The Next Doctor!"


"I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight," the next Doctor said, the Alchemist looking back and forth between the two men, surprised. "Now, step back, sir!"

The beast leapt over their heads and onto the wall behind them, and the Alchemist looked up, tilting her head when she saw its metal paws. "Looks like a primitive conversion," she said. "Like they took the brain of a cat or a dog."

"Well, talking's all very well," the next Doctor turned. "Rosita?"

"I'm ready," she said, handing over a coil of rope.

"Now, watch and learn," the next Doctor said, twirling the rope. Both the Doctor and the Alchemist watched in surprise as the lasso hooked around the beast in one go. "Excellent! Now, then, let's pull this timorous beastie down to earth!"

The Doctor did a double take as the beast climbed higher, taking the next Doctor with it. "Or not," he quipped.

"I might be in a little bit of trouble," the next Doctor looked down at how high up he was.

"Well, that doesn't change," the Alchemist snorted.

"I've got you," the Doctor called, grabbing the other end of the rope –

Only for him to be tugged up, too. "Doctor!" the Alchemist shouted.

"You idiots!" Rosita cried at the same time.

"Perhaps if you could pull?" the next Doctor shouted down.

"I am pulling!" the Doctor shouted back. "In this position, I couldn't not pull, could I?"

"It's gone inside!" the Alchemist warned, craning her neck.

The next Doctor gulped. "Then I suggest you let go, sir!"

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, Doctor," the Doctor shook his head. "Don't you recognize me?"

"No, should I?" The Doctor looked down at the Alchemist, bewildered, and she just shook her head. She'd never heard of a Time Lord forgetting their past regenerations before. "Have we met? This is hardly the right time for me to go through my social calendar – argh!"

The Alchemist sighed as they were tugged through the window. "Shall we?" she asked Rosita, gesturing to the doors.

The woman nodded, and the two of them ran inside.


"Whoa!" the Doctor sputtered as they were pulled across the floor, then blanched when he saw where the beast was going next – the very next window. "It's going to jump!"

"We're gonna fall!" the next Doctor cried.

Just as the beast leapt through the window, the Alchemist ran up, a large axe in her hand. With one downward stroke, she cut the rope, making the two men skid before they stopped. As soon as they did, the next Doctor burst out laughing, the Doctor joining in a moment later. "No," the Alchemist sighed, shaking her head and walking back to Rosita as the two men hugged. "Definitely doesn't change."


"Well, I'm glad you think it's so funny," Rosita grumbled as the four headed back out to the alley. "You're mad, both of you! You could've got killed!"

"But evidently, we did not," the next Doctor said cheerfully before turning. "Oh, I should introduce Rosita, my faithful companion. Always telling me off."

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