Black and Red (sasusaku)

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My mom once asked me this
"If your friend jumped off a cliff,would you do it too?" apparently this idiot friend of mine has never heard of the saying,how sad.
"Um,guys? Do you really think this is a good idea?" a rather timid voice asked,they should have been in class five minutes ago not snooping around the school. "What if we get caught?" this really was a bad idea,the princalple was very strict and didn't take jack from anyone! Or so she heard.

"We won't get caught if you do your job" another voice snapped back,god she was making his nerves worse with all her worrying,sighing he quickly brushed his black banges out of his equally black eyes.

"Your mean Sasuke-kun" she sniffed before turing back to guard duty.

"Hey teme! Stop picking on Sakura-chan and help me look!" hissed the blue eyed blond,how dare he hurt Sakura-chans feelings like that?

"Whatever dobe" saskue said,digging though more files "hey dobe,you said Kakashi kept his profile in here right? I don't see it"

"What?! But I saw him put all the teachers profiles up from yesterday! Plus he called in for the sick day,there's no way they could have disappeared! move teme,you must be looking over them!" he shoved Sasuke out of the way "I'll look,you go watch the door with Sakura-chan" a tic form on Sasukes head.

"No you move Dobe! I'll find them!" He started to shove the blond out of the way.

"Hey!" Naruto tackled the Uchiha. "Show some respect to the next Hokage Teme!" he pull sasuke into a headlock.Sakura watched the whole event unfold and sighed,how were these two still friends? She wondered before looking back into the hallway,her eyes widened.

"Um guys?"



"Guys? Someone's coming!"


At this rate the whole school was going to hear them!turning to the door she silently closed and locked it.

"Guys! Someone is coming! Hide!" hearing this both boys paused before scrambling up and to hide.Sakura went and hid behind one of the metal cabinets,sasuke hid under one of broken tables that were proped up agasint the wall,and Naruto-well he never was any good at hid and go seek.

A shadowy figure imerged as the door jiggled

"Naruto hurry up!" Sakura whispered,said blond panicked and looked around before he ran and hid himself under the assistant principles desk.

"Ah-ah!AH-CHO! God I knew I should have stayed home today" a shiver crawled up Sasukes spine,he knew that voice anywhere.A head full of thick,long hair entered the room Madara Uchiha,Sasukes blood ran cold;Out of everyone in this blasted school it had to him of all people!

He watched as the older man patted his pants looking for something until he pulled out what seemed to be keys and sat them on his desk,the very same desk that an idiotic blond was hiding under.He sat down and started shuffling the papers on his desk until he found what he was looking for and pulled it out.

And So Naruto sat between the principles feet curled up in the tightest ball he'd ever been in,internally screaming.After about five minutes,Madara started to move and wiggle in his seat,his body naturally becoming tired of sitting down and doing nothing, thats when his foot touched something.

"What the-" Sasuke, watched he leaned over to check under his desk,it was like slow motion.Watching his face revert to shock Sasuke took this chance and ran for it,he loved that idiot but it was every man for himself.But not before he grabbed Sakuras hand and made a break for it,ignoring Naruto shilled scream of "Traitor!".

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