The three golden B's (BNHA)

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And Brutal

These are the perfect words to describe that fiend from ugh class 1-A,the demon of UA,also known as Bakugou Katsuki. The hell spawn was mean and nasty as he was strong,if only he was a little more humble then may be,and this was a good day! Maybe Monoma would like him a bit more.

But then again,everyone in 1-A was just another over powered idiot who only got into the school by connections or their family name, like that walking pair of two-D glasses Todoroki.

But it wasnt like any of that mattered! Monoma reminded himself, Tonight he would be enjoying himself at a soon to be open fashion show! Yes he would be attending a very popular show later on tonight! Not even idiot class 1-A could ruin this for him!

He was very fond of this one brand call Nitro steps, he even had his costume made by them! Their fabric always felt so soft against his skin,and it was resistant to almost everything! Yes Monoma couldn't wait for the show tonight!He didn't even feel the urge to bother 1-A, he just kept on walking,well he would have if some big elbow guy hadn't dropped his phone on the floor. The taoe despencer was in his way to get to his dorm building.

"Dude,what do you mean you gotta go to work?" The yellow and black haired one yelled,ah yes he remembered him from the sports event! Poor fool lost in under twenty seconds!

"Yeah since when do you work?" The rock guy asked,oh yeah he and the demon faced off against each other,he lasted lightly longer than the walking stun gun.

"Gotta help my folks, plus I'v got family visting from around the world," the hell spawn sighed, "yeah well its going to boring as hell!"

"What do they do? Your family I mean" the walking office supply kid asked,not that Monoma was listening anymore,the kid had picked up his phone,slipping it back into his pocket.


Power walking past them he made his was back to his dorm room where Ke do was sitting by herself.

"Welcome back"

"Good to be back"

Once he finally reached his room Monoma immedently Slipped on his best dark purple coat and black pants along with a wallet into his back pocket he checked himself in the mirror again.

"Off to your fashion show Mona?" Kendo asked from her spot on the couch.

"Yes,yes I know you miss me already but I shall return" he teased and doged a random sock thrown at him and slipped into the evening. Today had gone so well! They hardly had any work today and not a single test! He almost wanted to do a skip as he walked up to a red light!

"Hey copy and paste bastard" no,there was no way he would be here. But sure enough there he was,the monster of 1-A,waiting at a corner red light dressed almost as well as he was. A black suite and pants with a red button down shirt and black tie,well at least the little demon knew how to dress well.

"Do I know you?" Monoma asked waiting for the light to turn green, the galla was being held in one of the fanciest hotels around the La Moura.

"Dont play stupid with me bastard!" Katsuki snapped as the light turned green.

"Shouldn't you be harassing someone?" Monoma hissed as they came up to the entrance. Inside the hotel was a grand exbit of elegance and richness,just where he belonged!

"Shouldn't you be removing that stick from up your ass?"

"Why are you even here?" Monoma asked as the crowd thinned into a line.

"None of your fucking beez wax" typical answer,Monoma rolled his eyes and dug into his pocket for his entrance ticket,they were almost next.

"Ticket please Sir"
Monoma checked his left pocket,nothing, then his right,ok now he was starting to panic! Quickly moving to his right pocket he felt his heart drop,there was a damm hole in his pocket!!

"He's with me" Bakugou Pulled a golden pass from his black wallet and showed it to the ticket taker who punched two holes in it.

Slipping into the large room both blond walked in silence until Katsuki found their seats.

"So why'd you cover for me? You want something right?" Katsuki fixed his tie with an annoyed look in his eyes.

"Did you not want me to? Should I have let you embarrass your ass?" Neito clenched his fist,he didn't want to in dept to anyone,let alone some entitled prick from 1-A, "its Because I'm a nice fucking person thats why"

"Your as nice as a pair of wet socks"

"All right kazoo kid,keep talking that white noise and I will shank your ass" Bakugou threatened with no real malice behind his words.

They snickered at the insults thrown at each other until some lady wearing some neon pink eye shadow and blue lip stick with an ugly floral dress and black heels.

Bakugou had pull his lips inward to try and keep from saying something that would get him kicked out...again.

"...she really thought she looked good in those heels" Monoma whispered,legs spread with his elbows resting on them while he put his hands together.

"Fuck the shoes! Did you see her eye shadow?!" Restraint laughter was spread across Monomas face.

"She came out here looking like a dried out highlighter!" That was the straw that broke the camels back,both of them were laughing and snorting.

"Oh my god,look at him look at the top of his head!" Some random mans head looked like the top of a pineapple.

"Look at her shoes,the one in the too tight dress? They look like rising bread!" Both blonds cackled at the insult.

"Look at that guy! 'I'm so uptight the stick up my ass is golden!' Pff!" Bakugou said,giving some dark haired uptight man a voice.

Monomas sides hurt from laughing so much and his cheeks hurt even more, "oh! Look at her in the black ! 'I think I'm better than everyone else so I act bitchy all the time!' " god his sides hury from laughing so much! Who would have thought that he and the schools demon would bond over peoples shitty outfits.

Katsuki tapped his shoulder, "look at this bit-Ow!" A hand grabbed Katsuki by the ear and twisted it.

"Bakugou Katsuki! I raised you better than that!" An older,female version of Katsuki hissed. She had a elgant and long red dress that matched her son and husbands red dress shirts.

"Well maybe some of these idiots should get a fashion sense!" He snapped standing up and dusting his pants off.

"Are you a friend of Katsuki? I didn't think he'd make any while here but im glade he did,I'm Katsukis father,Masaru" the glasses wearing man said politely,Monoma took his hand. How did none of this mans niceness rub off on Katsuki? He looked like a male version of his mother!

"Well,I gotta go do the show or whatever sooooo" Katsuki said,putting his hand in his pocket.

"Your part of the show?" Neito questioned,Bakugou was the last person he would have throught to be apart of a fashion show of all things.

"We'll be waiting in the normal dress room" Mitsuki said,leaving her youngest with Monoma.

"Ugh,I hate coming here,but yeah,I won't be leaving till late at night,so I guess I'll see your annoying ass at school or something" he pulled the gold ticket out and handed it to him, "unlimited food and shit if you show it to venders or whatever"

Monoma looked at the glittery ticket in his hand, "why are you being so nice? You normally threaten to kill me, is it becuase you made a bet?" He asked,suspicious of the other blonds reasons.

"Tch! Maybe I'm just a nice fucking guy asshole! If you don't want the damn thing give to someone fucking else!" And there it was,that aggressive personality with a hint of stuck up bitchyness. This was the Bakugou he'd grown to hate,and just recently begin to semi-like.

"Hm,well a gentleman shouldn't decline such a...nice offer,I'll see at school tomorrow you demon" Bakugou gave him that annoying arrogant smirk and quite literally popped his hand.

"Whatever copy'n paste" and with that they went their separate ways. Watching Katsukis form vanish into the crowd a small smile form on Monomas lips.


A/N Kokichi? More like Kocoochi

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