Red hot (bnha x pokemon)

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Goldron city was,just like the name implied, shiny and golden. The streets were clean and free of litter and the air smelled of lemony window cleaner. A safe friendly little city where nothing ever happened!

How absolutly boring,Bakugou groaned from his seat near the GTS trade tower. His baby Cyndaquil sat on his camo, baggy pantsed lap. He had been looking for something to improve his team like items or a new pokemon. Whitney had beaten his team like it was nothing, who knew you could teach a normal type rollout? His zubat sure didn't.

The fire mouse in his lap suddenly shuddered when a powerful gust of wind ruffled her fur. She stuck her long nose and head up his shirt leaving nothing but her rear sticking out.

"You are such a baby" she only crawled higher onto his chest, her nose almost poking him in the chin. He stood up and felt her tiny claws drag down his chest until she was hanging from his pants,togther they waddled back into the GTS trade tower for one final wonder trade. He was never big on catching pokemon,he preferred training and improving skill rather than documenting them.

After about a good two minuets of signing into the internet and finding a partner,Bakugou placed in his zubat for trading, it was his last pokemon next to Cyndaquil, once the trading was complete he looked at the white and red pokeball, with it was a note;well that was first.

Undoing the note from the ball he scanned over it.

"To who is unfortunate enough to have been burdened with this Houndour, she is extreamly violent and has been nearly put down on multiple occasions. Trainer, I highly recommend handing this dog over to the pokemon center,it's to dangerous to leave in anyone hands" he read out loud to himself,the Cyndaquil on his shoulder looked worried.

"Quil?" She nugged his chin with her nose and he grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and placed her on the ground once they got outside.

"What? You think I'll get hurt?" He question,putting his fire proof gloves on,taking the pokeball out,Katsuki released the dog from its confinements. "Idiot, I'm no weaking, I know how to handle myself" the ball hit the ground and out popped a growling Houndour.

"Quil?!" She squeaked running behind her trainers leg.

"Dour!" It growled fire already growing in its mouth,Bakugou looked down it from the bridge of his nose,not bothering to lower himself to its level.

"You think your hot shit?" He asked clenching and unclenching his hand,he was going to show this dog who was the king. The people around him looked at the fire type with worry. Rouge and disobedient pokemon weren't every common in the city, "I am your new trainer and If you want to get stronger you will follow my instructions"

The houndour growled and snarled out a small plume of fire at Bakugou. The blond narrowed his eyes and knocked the fire out of the air with his hand. The Houndour seemed midly shocked that a human of all things hadn't flinched at its fire.

Crouching the dog lunged at the thirteen year old,the lingering people around gasped as the dog bit down on his arm. Bakugou hissed and grabbed it by the back of the scruff and slamed it down onto the concreate, he pinned it down by holding its mouth shut with one hand and using his other to hold its legs together and finally using his chest to keep it down.

He,along with his class last year, had learned how to subdue most four legged creatures such as Ponytas, Growliths and Tauros. Looking down at the dog he made sure that absolute domanice and authority coated his voice.

"When I let you go,you are going to behave and listen to me, other wise I will hurt you,do you understand me?" The dog went limp under his grip,of course they never taught him to say that but he liked add his own twist to things! Besides we would never actually hurt a pokemon,only cowards did that "Good" he let go of it and stood up,checking its profile, turns out that his Houndour was female.

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