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ROBIN IN MM, TO GIVE YOU GUYS AN IDEA ON HOW SHE LOOKS. Chapter 6 & 7 updated today, Hope you guys Enjoy!


Me and Robin were at the mall. She offered to take me shopping, I told her no at first but she didn't take no for an answer. I now was walking around the mall with PINK and Victoria Secret and City Gear bags in my hand.

"How you liking it ma?" She asked me. I looked back at her since she was walking behind me. I smirked at her before responding.

"I really appreciate you doing all this for me Robin, but next store we go into, i'm paying for my own shit. I refuse to allow anybody to buy me things knowing I have the money for it."

She was thrown off by what I said. She put her hands up in surrender. "Well damn, ain nothing wrong wit' tranna' be independent." she said following a laugh.

Robin lead me inside Ralph Lauren, which she told me on the way here that's her favorite clothing store. I instantly regretted walking inside because I spotted Jas at the check out line. 

One part of me wanted to walk out of this store and just sit in the car until Robin was done shopping, while another wanted me to show Jasmine what she lost by pulling that dumb shit on me. 

"yo babygirl? Earth to Amber." Robin said waving her hands in front of me. I smiled and gave her my full attention.

"Yeah?" I asked. She was holding up two Polo shirts, one that was Blue while the other was White. She looked at them both then back at me.

"Which one you think I should get?"She asked. My eyes drifted onto Jasmine, she looked at me and then at Robin and started on her way out the store. Robin's glare followed mine.

"Uh you know that chick or sumtin'?" She asked me. I ran my hand through my hair and looked back at Robin.

"Yeah, she's an Ex. No big deal at all." I told her. You can see the look of confusion on her face.

"Oh well, Must be nice. I surely can't relate. Spotting out old lovers in a mall filled with hundreds of people. Wonderful." She said putting down the shirts. I instantly felt bad. 

"Robin, chill out. Trust me I'm not worried about her, im here with you, not her." I assured her, she gave me a blank look.

"Yeah I hear you, but if you had the chance to shop with her right now, would you take it?" She asked me staring deep inside my eyes with her's. It's like she can read me like a book. I didn't answer her question. She scoffed.

"I'll meet you in the car mane'" She said walking away from me.

I have to admit, I'm not even sure if I want to move on or not. Yeah, Jasmine did some dumb shit but I killed her sister, if I was her I would have did the same shit. 

Robin is so sweet and nice and she wants something with me and I want something with her but before I go giving someone else my heart I need to make sure I'm completely healed.

When I got back in the car with Robin, she sped off right before I even had the chance to close the door. The ride back was so quiet it was bothering me.

"Robin.." I said, she kept her eyes on the road. She ignored me all the way until we got back at her house. I followed her inside and watched her go inside the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

I softly knocked on the door."Robin, look im sorry. I'm not worried about her I promise, I just so happen to be in the same place as her at the wrong time." I said loud enough for her to hear me.

The door swung open fast causing me to Jump back. Robin's piercing brown eyes stared back at me and that nervous feeling that I felt when I first seen her crept back into the pit of my stomach. 

"Get out." She said. I frowned. Was she telling me to leave? I folded my arms and chuckled.

"Get out? Robin I-"

"Until you figure out who you want, leave. I refuse to be a second choice Amber. Get yo shit and leave mane'" She said, I heard the frustration in her voice.

"Robin your not a second choi-"

"Oh yeah? Because that's exactly how it feels. I seen it in your face when you were looking at her, you love ole girl. Ian' tranna become no rebound, Hit me up when you really want something with me, because it seems like that chick still has your heart." She said and with that she shut the door in my face.


As bad as I wanted to open this door back up and just let the shit go, I couldn't. Amber obviously still had mad feelings for this chick and Ion' have time for that. I didn't hear any footsteps or my door shut which let me know she was still standing outside the door.

I fucked with Amber, the minute I caught her drooling over me at the Club I knew I had to make some type of moves to get in on that and I did and it worked.

My only thing is, if Amber was gon be my Shorty she had to give me her 100% attention and her mind should only be set on me and Her. It shouldn't be no goddamn staring reunions at malls and shit. They were looking at each other like they just wanted to fuck on spot, ian having allat.

I took me a quick shower and braided up my long hair. I got my hair from my mom side of the family, I was Black mixed with Mexican and Puerto Rican. I was born in New Orleans and Raised in California. After braiding my hair, I threw on my Tommy Hilfiger Boxers and sports bra to match before leaving the steaming restroom.

It was extremely hot as hell in there, I was about to suffocate. When I walked out Amber was gone and her new things were still on the bed with a note.

Didn't feel comfortable taking the things you bought me, I really apologize Robin, I hope you find a way to forgive me <3 - Amber.

I sighed and plopped down on my bed rereading her letter. I was debating on if I should call her or not, but my pride got in the way and I didn't. I called my homie Dannie and told ha' lets hit up a spot, I just wanted to drink.

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